The latest news on healthy alcohol?
It’s not as healthy as promised.
A glass of red wine is no longer the health standard, as if it ever was.
But it’s had a good run.
Now we’re told that moderate drinking is a bad deal.
Are you surprised?
Let’s ask a baby boomer about their alcohol history.
But be forewarned, these people like to embellish.
Me: When were you introduced to alcohol?
Boomer: My dad gave me sips of his beer growing up.
Me: What kind of beer?
B: Olympia.
Me: “It’s the water.”
B: They knew and still didn’t do anything about it.
Me: When did you first drink with friends?
B: One of the guys spotted their brother’s friend stashing a half rack of Blitz in the woods near their house. He moved it then called us.
Me: How old were you?
B: Eighth grade. We each drank four beers and wandered around town.
Me: There were three of you walking around?
B: Yes. One of us almost fell in the bay.
Me: Did that ever happen?
B: At the 40th high school reunion one of them almost fell in the bay again. Others had fallen, just not my guys.
Me: Were they drinking healthy alcohol?
The Myth Of Healthy Alcohol
The key to healthy alcohol is moderation. Or used to be.
Now no booze is healthy.
You’re shocked about the consequences of the demon alcohol?
Those with experience with such things know to line up for Mai Tais because the bar closes without warning.
Call it a tradition long past its shelf life.
So is ‘getting my money’s worth.’
The key on such evenings is making sure of the designated driver, the DD.
Then it’s a free for all?
Maybe. Maybe not.
The Drinkers’ Advantage
Go ahead and join a winery. Join a Mug Club at your local tap house.
If you’re going to drink, why not drink the good stuff?
The rationale is weakening with each medical breakthrough.
From “Thanks to craft beer my out of control alcoholism feels like a new hobby,” to, “Winery wine is so expensive I’ll drink less.”
What would a ‘kegerator’ say to that? Or a box of wine?
Healthy alcohol, or not, people who like to drink find a way.
The problem is the people who shouldn’t drink also find a way.
Whether it’s a question to drink or not to drink, the answer is not coming from health warnings, religious warnings, or your momma’s warnings.
It’s your decision when and where to hoist a cold one. You know you better than anyone else.
Ask yourself, ‘Do I drink alcohol responsibly?’
‘Do people who know me best think I drink responsibly?’
‘Do I understand their concerns?’
If your answer to one and all is, “mind your own damn business,’ you might be in the club.
For any uncertainty, use a debit card when purchasing healthy alcohol, the card you share with your spouse.
Let them review your expenses and talk it out.
Most of all, be a good listener.
Challenging? Yes, but you’re up to it. Aren’t you?
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