Do gym ladies miss the gym more than gym guys?
They probably don’t miss gym guys as much as gym guys miss them. Taking a shot here.
Why is that?
Gym ladies show up with fitness intentions; gym guys show up with less than that.
Most men have either been in a gym before, or at least walked past. One way or another, they’ve developed an attitude. If the gym hasn’t been part of their life, but now their doctor forced them to go, it’s a bad attitude.
Those guys are easy to spot. They drag in like their shoes weigh twenty pounds, make a half-hearted effort with the least energy possible, then complain about their non-results.
It’s always worse for them when they find like-minded souls to commiserate with. Usually groups of three men block traffic at once, talking in low, suspicious voices.
The casual eavesdropper reports the conversation as vaguely political. It’s less vague when one of them starts pointing a finger to underscore an important observation.
Their expressions are always dead serious, like they’ve got their finger on a button and can’t decide if they should push it, or not.
The only button they need to push is the one that gets their asses in gear and pumps up their heartbeats. It’s a gym, right, not a card game. The action you bring to the gym is what separates one group from another.
Gym Ladies Are The Other Group

Whether it’s the dance studio, yoga class on a basketball court, or on the weight room floor, women show up to get through their routine and leave.
Women in the dance studio kill it every day. They move forward and back, up and down, and hardly stop for an hour straight. From Body Pump, to Zoomba, they let it fly.
Could guys keep up in those classes? Do guys even take those classes?
If women stop to talk, it’s usually in the parking lot on the way to their car.
One male gym rat decided to join the yoga movement, but it was too much.

“I tried keeping up,” he said in a shame drenched voice. “I couldn’t. Being surrounded by old ladies made me think I’d be good. I copied their moves, now I can’t move.”
Gym Ladies Who Lift
Two women show up chatting, work through their routine without stopping, doing the hard stuff, and never stop talking.
Their conversation is based on which day it is. It’s either Pull Day, or Push Day. After that they comment on form and whether they weight they’re using is too heavy, or too light.
The two of them are perfect models for all gym rats.
Two more women come in, join a group of other women, and work in on several machines at once. Like dancers who know all of the steps, they are coordinated, synchronized, and motivated to push each other harder than they did last time.
As some younger men idolize the size and shape of older steroid-guy, some fairly strong men gravitate to the women. Why? Do you really need to ask?
Experienced gym guys know how to workout, and they like to share their knowledge. Plus, they like telling women what to do. The final draw is them explaining how to exercise the right way.
It’s a beautiful thing to see. One dashing dude broke into the workout circle the gym ladies ran, told them what he thought they needed to know, and got dusted.
With sweet lady-manners, they let him know his input was not necessary. He sulked and pouted for a few weeks, then broke the news to his crew: It was the women’s fault he was a jackass.
It went better with another self-trained trainer. He was invited into the lady circle with open arms, with questions on the best sequence for prime muscle building. His usual answer included a hands-on demonstration.
Everyone seemed to benefit from the gym man until he disappeared for weeks. One regular asked the women if they killed him and buried him. They said, “Yes, we did.”
Then he showed up like nothing was any different, and they took him back.
If the choices are: 1. Be a reluctant drag-ass who specializes in dragging others down, or 2. Show up with spirit and vivaciousness, with enthusiasm and drive, and lift the room.
For extra credit, answer which group you’d like to see working out at the same time as you?
To finish up: A forty something strong man, a real noise making grunt and groan guy, noticed a new woman on the floor.
“She is not the woman for me,” he said to the man near him.
The gym lady was working on the squat rack. She looked like she trained for a specific sport, a weight sport by how much she was lifting. She was very controlled with perfect form. In other words, she was a powerhouse equal to, or greater, than the guy was.
The other man took note and said, “You’re probably right, and you’re not the right one for her. She probably likes guys who are as strong as her.”
She was Queen of the Gym and carried herself with regal authority.