Good advice comes just in time, right when you need it.
First you’ve got a problem that stumps you, then you discover the solution.
You read about it online or overheard a conversation in line.
And you acted on that good advice that came from . . . ?
If you have family problems that includes children, who better to take advice from than someone with no kids.
They don’t have kids so they’ve never had a problem, but they have thoughts.
Their thoughts center on what they learned watching television.
Older people channel the knowledge and inspiration they found on Bonanza, The Rifleman, and The Addams Family.
They lean hard on the strong father roles.
Do what daddy says and it all works out.
Oddly enough, raising kids is not like a TV show.
Ben Cartwright’s boys all lived at home like it was normal.
Lucas McCain raised Mark alone.
When the Addams Family is the best example of a traditional family unit of the three, good advice is assured.
Find A Good Blogger For Good Advice
You’d got kid problems?
Here’s over a thousand posts tagged with “kids.’
Am I a ‘kid expert?’
I’ve listened to kids and listened hard without rolling out the platitudes.
They wonder how they will make their way in the world. Who will they have with them?
For over thirty years I’ve worked to help. Sometimes I’ve been helpful.
My secret weapon? Their mother.
You’ve got wife problems?
I’ve got just under a thousand posts for your pleasure, or displeasure.
You may not find a definitive solution, but more options.
Choosing a solution among many is the first step.
Understanding you’ve taken the wrong step, no matter what it might be, is the second step.
And this may be why you have wife problems.
You’ve got work problems?
I’ve got two thousand posts for that.
What to know: find a way to navigate problems that don’t result in worse problems, more problems, and a bad mood.
If you wonder if such people even exist, make a stop in a bar and see who’s day drinking their time away.
When they leave they take more booze home with them.
“Two growlers ought to be just right.”
Watch their behavior and you’ll come up with two possibilities:
They either aren’t married, or they’re divorced, and their work is the only thing holding them together.
That and alcohol.
The Experts Speak Out
Would you expect actionable good advice on kids, spouse, and job from the childless, never married, and unemployed?
Why not?
Parent: My kids never mind me.
Bad Advice: That’s okay, you’re probably putting too much pressure on them. They are their own person and need room to grow. My parents ignored me and I turned out fine.
The next round of drinks is on you for that.
Husband: My wife doesn’t understand me.
Bad Advice: That’s why you need a girlfriend to balance things out. Your wife doesn’t like doing things you like to do? No problem. Maybe two girlfriends. If it worked for Prince Charles it’ll work for you.
That next round? It’s on you for my advice.
Worker: I hate my job.
Bad Advice: It’s your boss isn’t it. Bossing you around. Like they’re the boss of you. You are the boss of you. They need to understand that.
And you need to understand how the next round is coming out of your wallet.
Honest Advice For A Better Life
Spend as much time with your kids as you can so they can see how your mentorship works.
Go places, do things, build a future.
If you spend too much time with them they’ll let you know.
What you need to know is that you gave them your time and that’s a parent’s biggest job.
Sure they need money and clothes and shoes and food. The time you spend with them will give them confidence of making their own lives better than yours.
That’s not a bad thing.
For a married couple, longterm or short, adding more partners to the mix is courting disaster.
About Prince Charles, I discovered a small print sort of detail about royal life.
At one point Royal remarrying wasn’t allowed if the ex-wife was still alive.
No matter what kind of advice you seek, you’ll have more problems is you take Charles’ path.
He’s got kid problems, wife problems, and work problems.
How about you? The same, or different?