Four fathers in one family sounds like a lot?
No, it’s just enough.
This is the first time it’s happened and I can tell you it feels like a different Father’s Day.
I don’t remember celebrating Father’s Day with my Dad.
Did my Mom get things going? Special anything?
Did we give him presents for being our Dad?
You’d think so with four kids on hand.
Would having a big time on Father’s Day been good for my parent’s marriage?
I couldn’t hurt, but in my memory bank we weren’t big on putting the light on the special person on their special day.
Well that all changed when I took over with a wife and two kids.
We even have a plate for Special Days.
Father’s Day 2023
I’m the Big Daddy so it’s my day, right?
The day I get to reflect on being a parent, #1, the Top Dog in this kennel.
Not so fast.
Is it Father’s Day, or Fathers’ Day.
You pick.
I’m going with Fathers’ Day with four fathers in the picture.
Why? Because on this day in this year I’ve got four fathers to reflect on.
So no, it’s not all about me, or you, or anyone else with the ability to see the time line beyond their nose.
On this Fathers’ Day I’m not thinking of the Dads out there with kids, young kids, adult kids, or any kids in between. Why?
Because we all know the drill.
Be a good Dad. Use the tools of parenthood. Make up your own rules.
That’s the advice I give to expecting fathers.
And I try to set an example by my work as a husband.
A good husband just might turn out to be a good Dad.
Pre-Fathers’s Day
While I waited on being a father my mom called.
“Don’t you think you should be in a hospital?”
At the time I was in the middle of a home-birth with my first son.
Sound sketchy, a home birth?
Not so much when the expecting mom is low risk and well versed in everything possible.
No when my wife has delivered over three hundred and fifty babies at homes across the Portland Metro Area.
She’s even delivered babies for women she delivered.
It’s kind of wild.
So my mom called to ask if I should be in a hospital.
Like a good son I answered:
“Yes I should be in a hospital, but if I left in the middle of labor my wife might not like it.”
Later in the day we had a baby to care for and my main thought was, ‘At least I know it’s the right baby, not some hospital mix up.’
That line of thought fit with the moment I learned I’d be a dad.
“When David found out, when I told him I was pregnant, he made me call the clinic back so he could listen,” my wife said.
Doubtful David?
Four Fathers’ Day Breakfast
Start out with a good breakfast.
Whether you make it, or it’s made for you, eat up.
With a full stomach, try to remember what it means to you to be a father.
You did your best?
When your kids needed you, you were there?
Maybe you were there when they didn’t need you because you needed them more?
This is where men playing hard-ass get lost.
Big strong men only need themselves. That’s what they say when they hide their feelings behind their macho bullshit.
And maybe this is where things take a wrong turn.
If you tune into some jackass’s version of Fathers’ Day, tune out as soon as possible.
Anyone who has not held a newborn baby created with a loved one has no voice today.
Those of you, of us, who have can sing the song loud and proud on this day.
To do it right, start rearranging the house, the apartment, the tent, for the Fathers’ Day Choir.
Get everyone in the music room, or just yourself, and sing a Daddy Song.
“But Big Dave, we don’t have a music room.”
To which I say, “Yes you do. You just don’t know it. Follow these plans for a Happy Fathers’ Day for four fathers.”
Look right to you?
Looks right to me.
Count it down.