If family time is a priority for you why not mix it up?
Instead of the same ol’ same ol’, do new things.
Like what? Like sharing time, unplanned time.
For example:
The wife and I are big plan people. At least one of us is.
Hint: It’s not me.
I like her planning process, though. It makes life more interesting.
A dog plan hatched when she came to the conclusion she needed more to nurture than her clueless husband.
Wife: Women my age need to nurture.
My first thought was that I wasn’t whining and complaining enough, I wasn’t needy enough.
My second thought: would a dog be enough? What if it didn’t whine and complain enough?
Our last dog was a miniature dachshund. My wife liked the small size.
But a small size comes with a small bladder, which was proven out over sixteen years.
It was further proven out when we replaced the carpet and the pad had so many dog pee stains that it soaked through to the wood and I had to paint the entire floor with Kilz. Twice.
We talked about a medium sized dog and agreed.
A husband and wife agreed on something. No big deal, right?
How did it work out?
The breeder had what’s called a ‘phantom pregnancy’ which means no dog. We waited another year.
A year to change our minds, but we didn’t.
Except we didn’t get a small dog, or a medium dog.
Momma dog got with a big dog and we had first pick of the litter.
Guess what we got? If you said a big dog you are on the ball.
Not a giant dog, but a good seventy pounds off All-Dog.
Did it satisfy my wife’s nurturing instinct?
More than satisfied, now she nurtures me and the dog while I nurture the dog.
Which means we all fit into the family time equation.
Family Dog Makes The Team
You’ve seen the ads about a new cat or new dog when the man in the house is the least enthusiastic?
Me, too.
Then the man in the house turns out to be the biggest fan of the new family member.
You’ve seen that?
Me, too.
Am I the biggest fan? The dog thinks so; the wife thinks so.
Who else matters? If I asked them, the kids would think so, too.
We all see my dog as a family unifier, not that we weren’t united before.
This dog is giving us the full court press of pet love.
She wants to fit in by telling us when she needs to go outside to go.
And when she goes, she goes like a big dog, enough to flood a room.
Even better, she’s a joyful dog always ready to play and roll around.
Besides, she’s a dog. Playing and rolling around is her reason for being.
This is a beloved big dog by sons, daughters, and grandkids.
Even better, she seems like she’s My Dog.
Our other four dogs had other allegiances. Not this one.
Sure, she won’t come when I call; she runs off if she’s not tied up; but I have a feeling about her I haven’t had before.
We relate to one another better than the kids’ dog, the in-laws’ dog, the trial dog, or the temporary dog.
The dog and I are a good match, which enhances my standing with everyone else.
If the dog likes me, how bad can I be?
Family Time Minus Dog
This past Sunday, otherwise known as yesterday, I was standing in a cold garage in a wet swimming suit drinking a beer and watching March Madness.
In other words, all normal.
After forty-five minutes in a 210 degree sauna, call it a cool down.
Earlier in the day I took the dog out on a long walk, came back and lifted weights, then a husband and wife sauna.
I told her I was going to hang out in the garage in my swimsuit drinking beer and she seemed okay with it.
Did I mention I love my wife?
My kid had called so I called him back.
His wife was out with a friend and young father called to see if I was interested in doing something.
But I was already doing something and told him what I was up to.
Garage, swimsuit, sports, beer. In other words, perfect.
He was heading out of the house with his kid to avoid too long in front of a screen. Any screen.
Kids love their screens.
I said I’d change clothes and be ready in ten minutes, that we’d head out for the woods and check out the trails.
My plan, and remember I’m not the best planner, was to meet kid and grandkid out front and skip telling wife and dog.
Just a granddad, his kid, and his grandkid together.
I tried to remember if any grandpa of mine had done anything similar when my kids were three.
I tried harder when I couldn’t remember one instance.
Was I too tired? Too busy? Too anything but stuck in my own fantasy of cardio, weights, sauna, beer, and sports?
Sounds pretty good, doesn’t it?
What sounds better?
Family time of tramping the woods with an ambitious toddler yelling, “Come on guys, let’s go. We’ll go this way. Follow me.”
The wife would have liked to go, the dog would have gone again, but it felt more special with just the three of us.
Young father knows the drill by my example, now the old granddads know the drill too.
Call your kids back and join in.
I’m the Plan Man for all of it when it’s simple.
A simple man with a simple plan, that’s me.
I feel lucky, extremely lucky, that I have enough gas in the tank to get out and go.
It’s not a blessing shared by everyone. Why is that?
Maybe because I had beer in the fridge for the kid and I later, and a wife to watch baby while the two of us, father and son, picked up guitars and drums for band practice.
I love days that work out as if there’d been a big plan.
A little enthusiasm works, too.