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An everyday blogger needs to stay sharp to what’s happening around them.
If they don’t pay attention, they won’t be able to write a blog post.
I’ve been cooking one up this morning, but I changed my routine.
Instead of getting up, making tea, and sitting down to compose, I went to the gym.
It was good.

Since my everyday for the past three weeks has been spent in England, I want to tell someone, “I just flew in from London and my arms are soooo tired.”
That’s only going to work a few more days, then I’ll have been back too long.
But I did go to the gym and now my arms are soooo tired.
Why not go to my local tap house?
I’ve turned into an infrequent visitor once I tuned into the vibe of lonely men day drinking their lives away.
An everyday blogger doesn’t need a group to commiserate with if that’s the whole point.
Day drinking is fine, but not when it’s around older guys who look like Big Chief’s dad he described in One Flew Over The Cuckoo’s Nest:
“He started out drinking from a bottle, then the bottle drank all the life out of him.”
I spent three weeks of anonymity in England and now I don’t have a place where anyone knows my name?
The gym people know my name, but not today. No one familiar was there, so I got a quick workout in, topped off by pushing two sixty pound dumbbells on an incline bench.

On the way out I stopped and put up shots on the basketball court.
I’ve been anxiously waiting to shoot around since I figured out where my basketball career took a turn.
As a kid I was a little taller than average. One PE coach who was a little shorter than average gave me some basketball advice while I was at a vulnerable, trusting, age.
“Lift the ball as high as you can and shoot from there.”
So I changed my natural shot and went from okay to awful, then quit basketball after my freshman year and joined the wrestling team.
What I’ve noticed over the years is my natural shooting motion in the same as NBA guys.
So convinced am I that I’m a good shot, I put up fifty in the key.
The first ten hit the front of the rim so I changed my aim for the back.
After I added some leg, the shots started falling. I was right about being a good shot.


Chasing Everyday Blogger Goals At Sixty-Nine

If you’re like me, then you’ve got plenty of things left on the table.
Maybe you want to run a marathon like other old kooks in thick shoes.
Or maybe you want to paint your masterpiece.
Me, I want to write, then write some more, then write more after that. Why?
Because it fulfills something in me that nothing else does. I knock out a blog post and feel great.
A thousand words in order is an accomplishment.
I posted everyday for three weeks in England like a diary-man, but more like a journalist with the who, what, where.
Travel day at the end was too hectic so I posted twice the day before.
With that said, I’m now thinking of sending a proposal to

Would you be interested in sending a blogger to an emerging location to describe what travelers can expect when they arrive.
Or send a blogger to an established location to uncover new things.
These past three weeks I’ve traveled England with my wife and stayed in rooms we found on your site.
Booking dot yeah.
Some were better than others, but each one served a particular purpose: located in an urban core, located a block from our relative, and located near the countryside.
And located across the street from Hyde Park.
What you would do:
Pay all transportation and lodging expenses, food and drink, along with a per diem at the same rate Major League Baseball pays their players.
What I would do:
I will lounge around getting the vibe on each place and the surrounding area and writer posts about the local food, shops, and bars.
I will review churches and museums, and make suggestions on related travel destinations.
What you’ll get:
Limited rights to a linked series of blog posts highlighting the places you book rooms to, your business platform, and everything in between.
As one of the world’s largest travel marketplaces for both established brands and entrepreneurs of all sizes, enables properties around the world to reach a global audience and grow their businesses.

Imagine the excitement of one of your properties when they hear you’re sending a seasoned travel blogger out to pump them up.
How many will seek your representation when other destinations see business pick up with word of mouth mentions.
Marketing makes the world go around, and from what I’ve seen, there are plenty of people able to travel but they need a little push.
Let’s give them a push together.
Leave an answer for the everyday blogger in comments.
About David Gillaspie

I am a writer. This is my blog story day by day.