A curious cat looking for the right answers starts a journey. But where does it really begin?
If it starts with reading, which books give the best answers?
Young parents know this drill: Ask around at the library.
But before you decide to read to kids instead of parking them in front of a screen, be committed to read what’s printed.
Tired parents at the end of a hard day might skip reading time, or take a shortcut.
“Once upon a time,” they start. “And they all lived happily ever after,” they say two minutes later.
Don’t cheat the kids out of the experience of hearing a tired voice recite words collected on a page.
And don’t let them hear this conversation:
“I read last night. It’s your turn.”
“We’re real parents and real parents don’t take turns, they compete for the chance to spend more time with their kids.”
“I agree. You win. The book is on the side table.”
What Would Curious Cat Do

The parent that expands the reading list is the winner, right behind the kids.
But you’ve got to start early.
At first, baby goes to bed, you read them to sleep, then tuck them in for a job well done.
The voice is the key ingredient, so jazz it up and see if the kids notice.
As kids get older, they wise up. Go ahead and try a shortcut. Just expect this:
“You didn’t read the whole story.”
Act surprised, then proceed with, “Which part did I leave out?”
Raising A Reader
Small kids know the story, and if they don’t go to sleep fast, they want to hear it.
From fairy tales, to myths, to life stories, they absorb words in ways that will help them be better listeners.
But what if you’re not a good listener, not a good reader, and your favorite television show is on?
Take a moment to reflect. Were your parents good listeners and good readers when you were young?
Or, did you grow up in a household where children were seen, but not heard?
Either way, now you get a chance to right wrongs, and show a little one how it’s done.
Read in a calm, steady, voice. Use different pitches for different characters. If that makes you feel like a fake, you’re following a long tradition in Hollywood, the read-through.
That’s right, you’re an actor, and your role is ‘The Caring Parent,’ and your kid is a curious cat.
Read For Better Results
Have you seen people, watched them act out in person, or television, and thought, ‘What are they, stupid?”
A man at a coronavirus protest screaming in a cop’s face?
People in front of nurses in masks screaming they’ve had enough of this fake lockdown?
Calm people have reserves, but where does it come from? Reading. After stories of heroes and villains, they’ve picked a side.
Calm people have had guidance and education. Knee-jerk they are not. And it starts early, real early, so read to kids before you think they understand.
At the end of the day, what to read to the kids? What to think about while reading?
Scholastic has 100 Best Read Aloud Books.