Competence matters for the grinders and the lucky few who hit the jackpot.
It matters at the beginning and the end.
After all, what’s the first thing that comes to mind when you see something all screwed up?
“Doesn’t look like competence matters here.”
Did competence matter to the voters who put Trump in the White House?
This is a man who called them educationally incompetent with his statement on loving the ‘under educated.’
Big cheers for being dumped on even more than they already had on them.
‘Be smart and vote for me’ seemed like the uplifting message for folks who loved their ACA health insurance but hated ObamaCare with a vengeance.
Men and women felt empowered by voting for a candidate with no political experience, who never ran for any office, along with his evolving reputation. Just like them.
Did Trump fans hear him say he could shoot a man on 5th Ave and get away with it?
Of course they did. Again, it matched their own goals of avoiding accountability for their actions and goals, like the KKK men who killed three Civil Rights workers in 1964.
Why shouldn’t someone be able to kill people and throw them in a dump and go about their day?
On June 21, 2005, the forty-first anniversary of the three murders, Edgar Ray Killen, was found guilty of three counts of manslaughter. At eighty years of age and best known as an outspoken white supremacist and part-time Baptist minister, he was sentenced to 60 years in prison. Killen died in 2018.
Human Competence Matters
If you look at your own responsibilities, and meet them the best you can, you’d never agree with someone like Trump.
It works like this: you have responsibilities to perform the daily activities of life, your life. Wash, keep your stuff clean, feed yourself, participate positively in your community.
It sounds simple, but there are problems. If you’ve ever done family caregiving for a loved one, then you know how different daily activities of normal life can be.
Everyone is an expert, but some are qualified experts, licensed experts.
It takes a lot to absorb all of the wrong opinions and still do the right thing.
When you follow the lead of a bullshitter on whether or not to wear a mask, or get vaccinated for covid, you’re not showing your best self.
Your Competence Matters More Today
How would you expect Trump’s voters to understand what’s happening in Ukraine when their boy calls Russian leader Putin a savvy genius?
“Ukraine, My Kraine, Their Kraine, who cares. The only border that matters is the one President Trump says matters before he was cheated out the election he obviously won over that old man who can barely talk and sends twitters like we care what he has to say. We miss all of the important news breaks the real president sent out before he was cheated off social media which isn’t even worth looking at if you want to know.”
I want to know, but after following the data and reading the voting fraud investigations, after hearing Trump ask Georgia to find enough votes, and after the insurrection on Jan. 6, it’s a pretty clear picture.
Let’s agree that the competencies required of U.S. citizens are ignored by Trump and people like Trump. To them America is just another adversary to fight on their way to amassing more wealth.
“Taxes? We don’t need no taxes. Taxes are for the little people.”
If you’re one of the ‘little people’ what happens if you don’t pay taxes?
“Law? Laws are for the ‘little people.”
As a group, Americans can be competent when united.
A survey of American history shows the results of a united effort for 244 years.
How is it that a man like Trump and his circle of sideshow freaks gets embraced by competent people and people like Putin?
I’ll take your answers in comments.