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Clean up on aisle me?
I got the best advice on how it’s done, how I can do it. You, too.
“Pick one shelf, take everything off, and put back less.”
There’s nothing about starting a fire.
Even if you get fed up, overwhelmed, distraught, and want to set all of your crap on fire, don’t.
If it made as far as the garage, it’s not crap, though some of it still may be on the crappy side.
After waiting all this time for a kick in the ass to get started, consider yourself kicked.
Now that the first step is done, it’s time to start the big clean up.


How Big Is That Job

When a shaft of sunlight hits directly on the weights, it’s an omen.
The message? Pick them up and start repping.
That’s what I heard, so my kid jumps in with kettle bells, two kettle bells, and takes us both through a workout.
In his case it was a warm-up for a workout, but it was a great warm-up with kettle swings and suitcase marching in place.


What About That Clean Up

You need to be strong to move from chaos to order, so get strong first.
Once you’ve been won over by the kettlebell’s many benefits, the only thing standing between you and “the best shape of your life” is knowing how to use it effectively.
“As you learn more moves, you can also figure out that one day a week is a mobility day, one or two days a week are ‘get sweaty’ days, one or two days a week are ‘get strong’ days, and the piece of equipment remains the same,” says John.
You can build a comprehensive kettlebell training programme on just three foundational exercises; the kettlebell swing, the goblet squat and the press-up (John usually lists the Turkish get-up in place of the press-up, but omits it from this beginners’ guide due to its complexity).
This is what the kid walked me through, but not the Turkish get-up.
It felt good doing and felt great stopping.
I’m feeling like there’s a new page is being written.
This guy is inspiring in a way I understand:


“I’ve been lifting weights since 1965, coaching since 1979, I just broke the national record for the clean and jerk in my age group, I’m stronger than anybody you know, and I’m 67,” he adds, by way of a CV.
John also invented the goblet squat, which is now a staple move in a host of strength training routines.


I see a kettle bell on the horizon.
About David Gillaspie

I am a writer. This is my blog story day by day.