Have you ever asked someone out on a date? Probably. Did you read them the ‘Dating Rights’ questions? Going out on a limb here with probably not. Why would you?
Dating Future: Medical Steps To Avoid Sex Cancer Without An Aversion
The dating future may end up sounding like a job interview, or filling out a security clearance form. Vice came out with a post that ought to make it a necessity. Maybe is supposed to be funny, and I see the humor, but really? It’s not that funny, and I like […]
Health Writing? Start With Cancer And Drill Down
Health writing is about bringing hope to the afflicted. Cancer writing, not so much. One is about the future and the steps to make it better. The other is layered with dread. One is about improving conditions, about personal bests, about gains; the other is layered with dread. Health writing brings nutrition, […]
Neck Cancer … What Is It Good For … Absolutely Nothing
A reader left a comment recently that moved me to respond in a universal way. Hey Patrick, Thanks for coming over to boomerpdx. A quick question: How did you find me and this topic. I write about it a lot, but not too many show up in comments like you. I’m glad you’ll […]
Self Glossing Portland Writer Gives Cancer Warning
“Warning? We don’t need no cancer warning,” said everyone who’s never followed directions even once. With cancer warnings around every corner, every speck of asbestos in the ceiling, breath of air, drink of water, it gets wearing to the point of being normal. More people with cancer? More young people? More millennials, […]
Neck Cancer: Part of Oral, Head and Neck Cancer
OHNC, for oral, head and neck cancer sounds more like a government agency, as in “let’s meet at the OHNC building and go from there.” Except no one wants to go anywhere near OHNC any time. Speaking from direct experience, No One Wants To Go There. Any Time. But here we are. […]
If holding paper from an institute of higher learning means anything, it means exposure to civil discourse. I hold paper from Portland State University, so F Cancer. Can I get a, “Hell Yeah!”
WRESTLING WITH CANCER via Coping With Cancer Magazine
(The following is the text from Wrestling With Cancer. The article appears below.) Cancer and the sport of wrestling have at least one thing in common: there are situations you get in that you can’t easily get out of. At least wrestling has a final whistle to end the match. Cancer […]