“If you’ve ever wondered what you’d have done had you lived during the era of slavery, the Holocaust, or the Civil Rights Movement — whether you’d have stood & spoken up; whether you’d have intervened to help someone or been complicit in harming them through your silence — you have your answer. […]
All American Moment Of Serendipitous Patriotism
One fine summer day in Philadelphia I found myself walking east on Market Street in the company of friends and family toward Independence Hall. The Liberty Bell was still in residence. I remember aunts and uncles and cousins and roommates all hiking toward the July 4th, 1976 Bicentennial speech given by […]
Funeral Feelings Expressed With Shovels And Sweat, Salt And Sea Water
“My father always wanted to be the corpse at every funeral, the bride at every wedding and the baby at every christening,” said his daughter. My father had a cowboy funeral. Instead of the nearest Boot Hill, his ceremony happened in the veterans section a big cemetery. People from every […]
Batman Rescue, Or What To Do With A Bat In The House
Picture yourself and your date out on a most enjoyable night with an invitation to a home cooked dinner. The home in this case was a wonderful castle abode with a hillside view and an acre of manicured garden in the down sloping backyard. It had a feeling of Xanadu from […]
Ben Affleck Married “What’s in your wallet” Girl And Lost His Way?
The Rocky Mountains are indeed rocky on an unreal scale. Literally rocks all over the place. In the ever changing landscape of our lives, we notice when a big rock makes a dangerous move. Ben Affleck is a big rock and he’s on a roll, from celebration to medication, which is what I call it […]
Millennial History Break: WWII-era
It’s been a long time since history delivered WWII. A long time to learn what happened, too. But not all are interested in the lessons of WWII, particularly the death camps where those deemed undesirable by the German authorities were warehoused until further notice. Further notice was death for six million […]
Dylan Song For 2018 Mid-Term Elections
Come senators, congressmen Please heed the call Don’t stand in the doorway Don’t block up the hall For he that gets hurt Will be he who has stalled There’s a battle outside And it is ragin’. It’ll soon shake your windows And rattle your walls For the times they are a-changin’.
Bob Dylan Time Shift From Second Gear To Overdrive
Like so many today, I also feel change in the wind, and like any baby boomer worthy of the tag, I consult the only text reliable enough to lay it all out in understandable language. No, not the Bible, or any religious narratives. I turn to Bob Dylan, and so should […]
Favorite Places: Home Sweet Home
The picture I see in my mind when I leave the house. The home fires burning, and my little dog putting out the flames. It’s her favorite carpet.