Chelsea Clinton, Stanford, ’01, BA History. via politico.com
Nominating Chelsea Clinton as spokesperson for campus rape awareness.
The face of a college campus rapist flashes on the screen, along with his six month sentence reduced to three.
He’s not a Reed college campus rapist, he’s a Stanford college campus rapist. His is the face of campus rape. And he’s serving time, a little time, for being a rapist.
Where did justice turn the corner for under graduate campus rape? Great powers had to be invoked for his lenient sentence when other rapists do real time.
Equally great powers need to be invoked to drop the hammer on future rapists, on campus or off.
If six months sends the wrong message, three months whispers the wrong message.
Why would Chelsea Clinton be the best spokesperson?Baby boomers grew up with presidential children beginning with Caroline and John-John Kennedy. We’ve had television greetings from LBJ, Nixon, Ford, Carter, Reagan, Bush I, Bush II, President Obama, and their kids.
Chelsea Clinton set the presidential kid bar higher than any other kids. For those not keeping up, she graduated with a history degree from Stanford, a Masters in Public Health from Columbia, and a Masters and PhD from Oxford in International Relations.
Her experience teaching graduate classes at Columbia is an ideal background to speak on campus rape. Stanford could use some instruction on the topic. So could the court that issued a six month sentence to the ex-Stanford rapist.
Rape is a felony under California Penal Code 261, and the judge may impose a prison sentence for rape of three (3), six (6), or eight (8) years. Additionally, if your accuser sustained great bodily injury (e.g. extensive bruising, vaginal soreness, broken bones, or any other measurable physical complication) during the commission of the rape, the judge may enhance your punishment for rape and impose an additional five (5) years on your rape sentence. In addition to a lengthy state prison term, you also may be required to pay a fine of up to $10,000 under California Penal Code 672.
The law prescribes years, not months. More from wklaw.com:
How Does the Court Decide Which Prison Term to Impose as Punishment for Rape?
- You were armed with or used a weapon at the time of the commission of the crime;
- The victim was particularly vulnerable.
A married woman with one daughter and a baby due, Chelsea Clinton is a whip-smart powerhouse who grew up in one of the brightest spotlights in America. As a leading voice in the necessary crusade against rape, hers would be a bull horn everyone would hear and pay attention to.
Other voices she will need come from Oregon. Brenda Tracy is a crusader helping change sexual assault law in Salem and Washington, D.C.
Her experience as a survivor sets the tone for others. Follow her on facebook and learn how she and her son are challenging the NCAA to turn away violent athletes.
Another Oregonian Chelsea Clinton should add to her future staff is writer Ellen Urbani, author of Landfall, and a ‘quick to the point’ crusader in her own right. Hit the link and read her post.
When you read this about rape, “Unless you are actively speaking out against such a mindset *at every opportunity* I count you as partially culpable for its perpetration,” you need to react. The paragraph following this excerpt is the mindset she mentions.
Imagine Chelsea Clinton, Brenda Tracy, and Ellen Urbani in the same room discussing rape prevention and updated punishment for rape.
You’d listen carefully. You should be listening carefully now.