Bad weather never ruins a beach walk.
If you ‘go to the beach’ you’re walking that beach no matter what.
That’s where the life cycles of waves and tides realign our internal rhythms, reset our internal clocks. Even if it’s cold and wet.
And it’s not a difficult route to follow: Walk up the beach, walk back. Then get in the car and turn on the heater.
Let those worries flow with the tide little by little, damp shiver by shiver.
Rest your eyes on the horizon with a clear path in front, but keep an eye out for off-leash dogs.
If new ideas don’t refresh right away, it’s still worthwhile.
One benefit is how a beach walk automatically enrolls you in the beach walking community.
What, you thought it was all about you?
This is supposed to be funny because it is funny, though covid is not funny.
It’s a Cannon Beach sign, a puffin in a covid mask.
What’s funnier than a puffin in a covid mask?
An elk in a covid mask? Did you guess elk? They like Cannon Beach.
This video shows a herd of elk coming onto the beach and passing by.
Stop around the one minute mark and hit this link.
This video shows the elk a little further down the beach passing by another place.
Together they show a spectacular moment in nature that shows Cannon Beach is more than a tourist enclave with expensive restaurants and galleries full of beach art.
While you can’t walk a block on the main drag without one or the other working to lure you in, what you won’t find on a Wednesday is a beach beer on the west side of the street.
The Beach Walk Vision
The peace in the moment of this photo balances with the town gallery walk.
“I’d like to start here.”
“It looks nice.”
“The featured artist is David, like the three prints in our room.”
“David, huh?”
“And he always includes a little hidden hand in each painting.”
“A small hand.”
“Look, this is a print of the print in our room. Don’t you love it? Can you see why it’s named Beach Bound?”
“I see something.”
“There’s Needles and the Haystack. There’s the tunnel. It is so cool. Let’s put it on hold.”
“What are you doing?”
“Putting it on hold by hiding it in with the other prints.”
“Honey, this is a gallery, not a record store. I’ll take it up to the desk.”
Later in the day after another beach walk and up in the ocean front room with part of the balcony view blocked by beach front rooms:
“Shouldn’t we bring our new print up to the room?”
“It’s fine in the car.”
“I’ll get it.”
“Would you bring my slippers back with you? Thanks, honey.”