Google ‘legal weed map America’ and this is what you get.
Or, maybe it was ‘legal weed state map.’
The pic is a screen shot. The dark left side are legal weed states with weed stores. The bottom right is a lighter shade on most maps.
What happens when Officer Friendly pulls you over in Mississippi?
“Son, I’m gonna ask you to step out of your car.”
Be smart out there
This is a school segregation map based on data before Brown vs Board of Education in 1954.
In contrast to the weed map of America, this is the same America after googling ‘education map USA.’
In 1997, the education map, like the weed map, shows a different shade in the top left than the bottom right.
To the untrained eye, a combination of weed + education map shows a certain theme.
Then the biggest non-surprise of google maps:
Since boomerpdx is dedicated to fairness, this is a bigger picture of the same google search:
Imagine a foreign reader scanning these maps, like people in Paris, Belgium, or England.
Why would they care one way or the other? They don’t, based on recent observations. They’ve got their own problems.
Would it be different for BoomerPdx fans in China, Philippines, and Australia? In Canada, India, and Japan? I hear the question before it’s asked, “Gee, Dave, did you just pull those countries out of your . . . blogger bag?”
No, dear readers, those are the nations listed at the top of my google analytics.
The Highway To Hell?
What would people from my top reader states think? Since it’s Oregon, California, and Washington, there’s nothing new here. Those are followed by Arizona, Illinois, and New York. Next up is Colorado.
Got a lot of legal leaning states on the weed map dropping by; got a lot of educated leaning states checking in; got a lot of democratic left leaning states in here.
One way to break it down is calling states that legalize marijuana, promote education, and vote democrat, a bunch of confused old hippies, children of hippies, or grandchildren of hippies.
That’s one way, except for the numbers: they aren’t all hippies. Or, Reed graduates.
Another way of seeing the lower right corner of the weed map?
They need more hippies, better education, a louder voice in the wilderness.