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This is my last post?
No, not THAT last post, just the last of the year.
Has 2023 been good to you, or is it leaving with a Last Post wish?
“Eternity Now?”
Why not step into 2024 with a moonrise like the one up there ^ ?

How was 2023 around BoomerPdx?
The ol’ blogger says let the numbers speak for themselves:

I disagree with this number.
Did I take twenty-three days off?
I don’t recall taking a month off, but I won’t whine and complain.
Instead, I will accept this bullshit assessment and ‘do my own research’ on my lost month.
I mean, what else would I have been doing but writing?
You know what, I won’t do my own research on missing twenty three days after all.
Someone else can do it, but who?

How about you, Canada?
Ireland? You guys celebrate writers.
How many posts did I write last year?
You tell me.
In the meantime:


Health Alert For 2024

This shot comes from a few years back.
My wife did the most wifely thing and looked at a mole and said, “Get it checked.”
I waited and waited.
And waited.
“Do you need me to go with you?”
I got it checked and made an appointment for this.


In 2023 she looked at my face and said, “Make an appointment and get that mole checked out.”
I said, “What about this one?”
So I waited, but not as long.


Doctor: We’ll take a biopsy and go from there.


My 2023 health message: The left side of your face gets the most sun when you’re driving.
Goop on the sunscreen.
That’s it.
And lose some weight.
Did ‘Slender November’ work this year?
How about ‘Drop Weight December?’


Goals For 2024

Remember who you are and reflect on how you got there.
Take a tip from The Great Gatsby:
“In my younger and more vulnerable years my father gave me some advice that I’ve been turning over in my mind ever since. Whenever you feel like criticizing anyone, he told me, just remember that all the people in this world haven’t had the advantages that you’ve had.”


I’ve always like the thought.
One of my big advantages was coming along at just the right time.
Called one of the nation’s best, I joined the high school wrestling team lead by a mid-career coach with international experience.
Instead of some guy coaching with meager experience, like junior high, my guy organized trips to places like Stillwater, Oklahoma and Fort Collins, Colorado and Iowa City, Iowa for national level tournaments.
He coached the Junior National Greco-Roman team that went to the Junior World Tournament in Japan, along with cultural exchange trips.
I made the  cultural change team he took to Iowa in 1973, which seems unusual since I started in 1971, not first grade.
I’d joined the group that looked like this the year before, North Bend in every picture with Robin Richards, Ralph Davis, and Vern Brecke.



It was a role model experience at it’s finest: Work hard, or get worked hard.
This could be why The Great Gatsby resonates over the years:


“And so we beat on, boats against the current, borne back ceaselessly into the past.”


Future Plans For The Last Post

Find your people, or dog, and let them know how much you care.
You don’t have to copy them, but you will.
Make 2024 Your Year.
It’s your year to make what you will, just like last year.
Get a grip and get going, okay Boomer?
Whaddya say?


About David Gillaspie

I am a writer. This is my blog story day by day.