From available evidence, virus testing for the coronavirus is uncomfortable and expensive.
And not as available in America as it is in other developed countries.
However, virus testing for other bad things often feels like a rush job, a sales job, a ‘get it now or die’ job.
But that’s not testing for coronavirus, it’s testing for a cancer virus.
To begin, testing for coronavirus is a protective issue. Someone feels fine, goes about their regular life, unknowingly carrying the virus and spreading it.
Who do they spread it to? Maybe someone with an immune system as strong as their’s and no one gets sick and dies.
At least two people feel healthy, but others they pass on their daily rounds may not be as protected.
Mass testing seems like the key to hitting the brakes on virus transmission.
Virus Testing For Cancer
From images of testing, drive-up testing, it looks like a cotton swab deal in the nose and throat. The swab is sealed and ID’d and sent to a lab for results.
Sounds like an effective, yet simple process.
On the other hand, testing for HPV16 virus cancer is more than drive-up, though driving is involved. Where coronavirus is contagious several feet away from a big sneeze, and social distancing helps prevent it, HPV virus cancer is just the opposite.
You get it from a close distance, about as close as you can physically get with another person.
From most estimates, HPV16 cancer is contracted from a shorter distance, about a tongue’s length away, give or take.
HPV16 Testing Not As Convenient As Corona Virus
It goes like this: A consistent sore throat, or neck lump, kicks off the action.
Doctor checks it out, gives a course of antibiotics.
Nothing changed, so things get more aggressive. “Say Ah,” is a common refrain.
A suspicion of HPV16 virus cancer leads to a biopsy, where you take a nap while the ENT sticks tools in your mouth and cuts a hunk of tissue for accurate testing.
What you don’t want to hear is cancer news, even when you hear it.
More HPV16 Virus Testing
With accurate medical news, the path is clear: Get treated or fucking die, which isn’t medical terminology, but still accurate.
Go for an ultra-sound on the lump to define it’s border, and hope it has a border, that the border isn’t every part of your body.
Get a fine needle in the neck to probe the lump for the level of infection, then an MRI for a pinpoint location.
Virus testing for HPV cancer follows a map through doctor’s offices, specialty clinics, surgery centers, and finally the Big Heat and The Juice, aka radiation and chemo.
No one is happy about getting hit with radiation and IV cancer killing drugs, but that’s what it takes to live the life you’ve chosen.
If you have a better idea about curing HPV16 virus cancer, talk to people who did it without chemo and radiation. You’ll want to contact them sooner than later, because their days are numbered.
Why Virus Testing Matters
If you don’t know, now you know, or you will know if you keep reading, so . . .
Testing for cancer seems like a no-brainer. We all know about cancer from a parent, child, uncle, aunt, neighbor, and news. It’s all over the new when celebrities get cancer.
A man with HPV16 can transmit, women with HPV16 can transmit. There’s little discrimination, however, if they don’t know they’re infected they pass it just the same.
The difference between the two viruses, HPV and Coronavirus, is the context of transmission.
HPV isn’t living on a countertop, a box, a door handle, or a cell phone. In women it presents as cervical cancer.
WebMD explains the cervix for the anatomically challenged.
Think of this way: If women have HPV on or near their cervix, and men often have the primary source of infection on their tongue before it jumps to a lymph gland, or tonsil, go ahead and connect the dots.
Social Distance For Oral Sex?
Never going to happen.
Social distance for coronavirus? Just do it.
A predator evangelical got credit for a quote he didn’t say, but sounds like something he’d say.
“Some of these young-uns are doing all kinds of unnatural things with their sex organs,” Robertson purportedly said. “When people do that, they transfer all kinds of chemicals from ladies’ private parts and that’s where I think the virus came from. We never had this kind of thing when I was coming up. But no one was committing oral sex back then.”
The harm in including a false quote is how funny it is. “No one was committing oral sex back then?” That sounds like one of the guys on Clinton’s impeachment team explaining things for their reverent constituents while they threw down with people other than their own wives.
Killer Virus On The Lose
Coronavirus is in the spotlight, throwing shade on most everything else. But that doesn’t mean every other fatal disease is less fatal.
Keep yourself safe, keep social distancing, stay home, wash your hands, don’t touch your face. Am I missing anything?
If you’re are sheltering in place, and feeling extra frisky, remember this: Oral Ave is a two way street.
Drive on.