Venardos Circus showed up on the calendar as a nice family outing with the children.
It was perfect timing before they got too old to enjoy the spectacle of The Big Top.
Don’t the mid-thirties seem just about right?
We were a party of husbands, wives, a ten year old, a toddler, and more.
But what is Venardos Circus? I’ll start with wonderful and work toward magical.
After all it’s an act of magic to organize three families toward a common goal and get an early dinner before joining the jam on I-5 from Portland to Keizer.
It’s witchcraft to even think that eight people could rendezvous at one house, eat, clean up, breakdown a seating chart for the car, and still make it on time.
I give all the credit to Venardos Circus. And my wife.
How To Ringmaster The Right Way
It starts with talent, especially with the close-up nature of the show.
They are all high-wire acts without the wire, except the mime on the right.
Lady in yellow did a trapeze act that felt like one slip would land her in the second row.
Call her a high flyer.
Every act had the feel of disaster only one slip away. And no one slipped.
From our seventh row seats, (good job GG,) we saw the masked face they used when they froze balletic motion in mid-air. Like it was easy.
With acrobatic, gymnastic, and creative dance movements of sheer strength, they did it with sparkling show-biz smiles.
Actual sparkling lipstick on the lady in red as if she wasn’t outstanding enough.
It’s a fashion winner on a circus pro who dangles her partner by the ankle in her scissor-locked thighs. Fifteen feet off the ground.
More feats of extraordinary strength and balance of every kind filled the Big Top to the brim.
At the end the Ringmaster invited the audience up on stage for pictures.
It felt like the sort of throw-back time that used to give kids an idea about running off and joining up.
You know, a dream.
The Ringmaster knows about dreams.
After The Show With Kevin Venardos
I wasn’t thinking about running off with the circus, but . . .
Me: How big is your traveling crew?
Kevin: We are a company of twenty five.
Me: It was a great show and I love the tent.
Kevin: Yes, it’s made by the best circus tent company in the world.
Me: How any shows do you do at each stop?
Kevin: We travel forty weeks out of the year and do one show a day.
Me: How do you get those tent stakes in the ground?
Kevin: We used to do it the old fashioned way, but now we have a hydraulic machine. Much easier and faster.
And there goes my chance to run off and join the circus crew.
But if I did, it’s the right crew with the right Ringmaster.
It’s a family affair with husbands and wives and kids doing family stuff like any other family: stay healthy and push education for their kids.
Venardos Circus Says It Best
From the moment you approach the tent, we will transport you back in time to the golden days of the traveling circus where an amazing assortment of aerialists, acrobats, jugglers, hand-balancers, comedic jokesters, daredevils, magicians and more are waiting with bated breath to dazzle you in what we’re sure you’ll say is the most intimate and delightful entertainment experience ever!
But don’t let us speak for you; COME and see, hear, taste, and feel it for yourself! We’ll see you soon
The Venardos Circus Family
They are road warriors who bring hope and fun to every stop long their way.
At the end of the day, Venardos hopes the audience gets a message of, “A small group of people working together to make something excellent and the fact is that we are all different. All the circus performers are different. Not from the people in the audience. We’re actually just like Louisville! We look different. We come from different places. We speak different languages but we want it to work so we find a way to do it together.”
If getting along is good enough for the Venardo Circus, it’s good enough for me.