Who gets tagged with an un-American accusation?
Asking for gun control in the wake of mass shootings? That’s un-American accusation?
Talking about the Jan.6 insurrection? Also worthy of an un-American accusation?
I find no joy in human suffering; animal suffering doesn’t make my day either.
Personal suffering up close is a whole ‘nother deal.
- Home caregivers have a front row seat for human suffering.
If you’ve never heard a home caregiver story about elderly relatives the medical community gives up on, this might be a spoiler. They all end the same way: death.
Caregiver wakes up one morning to find them still, very still.
That was my father-in-law one morning. It was jarring and unexpected. I mean, it was expected eventually after five years, but still a shock.
2. Cancer treatment suffering.
I took the cancer cure of chemo and radiation and felt like death warmed over.
One of my pals came to visit and said, “I’ve never seen anyone suffer as much as you.”
“Your mother-in-law died in your house. Worse than that?” I asked.
“You’re suffering more than anyone I’ve seen without dying.”
I passed out thinking about it.
Human suffering comes in many degrees, none enjoyable.
Those two examples are my suffering bonafides. Seen it, done it. There’s more but why dwell on me.
Suffering Needs Help Sooner Than Later
Not everyone is cut out to be helper. It’s no knock on them, they just don’t have the capacity.
Or they don’t think they have the ability. Others are afraid, more like terrified, of death. I know I am, but I’m also fairly practical about it. We’re all going to die eventually. Some sooner, some later.
What do with people who can’t bring themselves to help others, and can’t stop demanding help when it’s them?
Covid has been a lens into human behavior, especially with folks denying its existence with their dying breath. That doesn’t make them un-American, just sad.
I knew a woman who decided to give back by working in nursing homes. She wasn’t some altruistic kid, but a middle-aged lady looking to make a difference.
After enduring what seemed like an endless life as a family caregiver, I had reservations.
Maybe she would have been good at it, but if she’d only lasted a month she would have a lifetime sense of failure. She was pretty and smart and outgoing, married to her best friend with their kids grown and out of the house.
Failing at making a difference is a special failure that can lead to a downward spiral. I felt it after I stopped being a caregiver.
As a writer I did writing therapy. It works.
Assisting Rewarded With An Un-American Accusation
After racking up my first un-American accusation, now I’ve got a few of my own.
It starts with the House Un-American Committee and McCarthyism.
Communists could be lurking anywhere, using their positions as school teachers, college professors, labor organizers, artists, or journalists to aid the program of world Communist domination.
Was there a commie behind every tree?
During Eisenhower’s first two years in office, McCarthy’s shrieking denunciations and fear-mongering created a climate of fear and suspicion across the country. No one dared tangle with McCarthy for fear of being labeled disloyal.
This sounds too familiar.
Replace “shrieking denunciations” about communist infiltration with shrieking denunciations over gun control laws and how does it read?

What’s more un-American than seeing school shootings and letting it ride?
Where is the common decency?