Twitter stars are those who make you stop on a speed scroll.
You need to know more, see more, do more at that moment.
They are on a bus, a subway, a plane, a train.
A true twitter star makes you want to be there with them.
They are ‘live tweeting’ an event they hired themselves to cover.
Or a recognizable celebrity is expanding their universe on a platform they heard needed their help.
Twitter stars take you to the event; celebrities give you permission to feel they way they feel.
The recent ‘Muskification’ of twitter set the stars back.
When they lose followers by the tens of thousands it’s time to panic.
It’s time to search for other platforms. Once they land they come back to twitter with directions on how to find them.
The thing is, they never really leave.
Whether it’s mental health, loss of an acceptable audience level, or philosophical differences with a billionaire who wants a cage match MMA style with another billionaire, they say goodbye.
Except it’s not like Facebook where someone announces they are deleting their account and get of rush of “Please Stay” and change their mind.
What Are Twitter Messages
People lose their dog.
Their old dog dies.
Or it’s a cat.
When they post their news on twitter and get no response it must hurt even more.
And that’s the key. At least they’re communicating their grief, taking the edge off.
Eventually someone leaves a nice response and it makes it all better.
But it gets more dire:
I thought really hard about whether I would be public with my cancer diagnosis and I talked to creators who did it both ways (yes, there are YouTubers who have had cancer and gone through treatment without ever telling people, which is astounding to me).
Ultimately, I did it this way because it was hard to imagine the logistics of the alternative. I would just be…not making videos suddenly?
And the Complexly and DFTBA teams would all need to keep secrets?? Or I would need to keep secrets from them?? So I did it this way, and I am obviously happy (so far) that I did.
There have been bad parts, but they are all little and dumb, but the good parts have been so good.
Thanks everybody.
If that’s not uplifting don’t know what is. A guy is going through cancer treatment and keeping on-brand.
It’s called ‘thinking about others’ or the chemo is getting to him.
All there is to do on twitter is wish him well.
It doesn’t get better than this:
Being very public about my cancer treatment was a wonderful experience and opened me up to a lot of support from people on Twitter. I found that very helpful.
That and some people have been viciously cruel and have mocked me for enduring chemo and wished I’d died. Oh well.
Twitter Stars Take Chances
They get married on twitter. At least it feels that way to me.
They have kids and post baby pictures.
Then a dad dies, a mom is abandoned, kids grow up.
The in-laws are trouble.
Twitter feels like the village party line when this gets going.
Business bros remind everyone to get up early, take a cold shower, and practice looking intense in the mirror for their default expression.
Lady Business bros make fun of them and gain a huge audience because who doesn’t like to stick it to dudes preaching a universal truth to ten people.
One business lady bro reminded us she’s gay and her audience jumped for joy.
I’ve got 820 followers I know little about while following nearly 1200 I know little about.
What I do know something about are Twitter Stars.
They could be anybody on the twitter spectrum and it doesn’t matter.
If their post makes you stop and read, then read the responses, then check their biography and hit the link to their website, they are twitter stars.
Is twitter dead? Dying?