Like the City on the Sound, the 30th Annual Seafair Indian Days Pow Wow stayed in continual motion.
At a west coast gathering of First People, dancing and celebration filled the air.
They strengthened bonds between each other and Seattle.
From before recorded time until 2017, First People have adapted.
As their way of life changed, they changed with it. They bent but didn’t break.
If you’re missing the lesson here, look harder and listen.
The First People celebrate America in a way more people need to embrace.
Instead of finding the biggest flag, tying it to a pole, and driving around in a pick up, the Native American participants showed great respect.
The beauty and enthusiasm shared between the dancers and audience drove the day.
Their stories of hardship and sacrifice rival those of any nation on earth, but persistence rules.
Who among us would take the abuse heaped on Indian Nations and insist on sharing our ideas of culture?
With a history of fighting against the U. S. Army, First People joined to defend America.
When World War I started, American Indians were not considered U.S. citizens, but that did not stop approximately 12,000 Natives from volunteering to serve in the U.S. military. In addition, four American Indian soldiers serving in the 142nd Infantry of the 36th Texas-Oklahoma National Guard Division received the Croix de Guerre medal from France.
Instead of accepting a diminished role in national life, American Indians stepped up for a nation that considered them less.
The pride of their true homeland shined through.
No one in North America has revered this land more.
A Draft Could Have Been Avoided
War Department officials have stated, that during WWII, if the entire population had enlisted at the same rate American Indians did, Selective Service would have been unnecessary. According to the Selective Service in 1942, at least 99 percent of all eligible Indians, healthy males aged 21 to 44, had registered for the draft. The annual enlistment for Native Americans jumped from 7,500 in the summer of 1942 to 22,000 at the beginning of 1945.
Like the fierce fighters of the 442nd in WWII whose families were rounded up and shipped to internment camps, Native soldiers and sailors put history behind them and fell in.
From Navajo code talkers to Ira Hayes on Iwo Jima to Medal of Honor recipients, Native America serves strong.
90 Percent Volunteer Through Vietnam Era
Throughout the Vietnam Era, American Indians enlisted in the military to the tune of more than 42,000 – 90 percent of them were volunteers, with the others serving trough draft selection. After Vietnam, Natives have continued to serve in high numbers. Since that time, Native service members have seen military action and combat in Grenada, Panama, Somalia, the Gulf War, and in Operation Enduring Freedom (OEF), Operation Iraqi Freedom (OIF) and Operation New Dawn (OND).
The Stars and Stripes led the opening ceremonies of the 30th Annual Seafair Indian Days Pow Wow.
The day included recognition for all military veterans who stepped forward.
As a lesson for all groups expressing patriotic fervor, this is how you do it right.
If you feel like showing love of country, review the First People celebrations for guidance.
Do yourself proud.