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No One Joins For The Death Benefit

Army, Navy, Marine, Air Force. All Carry The Death Benefit. Modern war doesn’t draft troops. Young men and women talk to recruiters and sign up. They sign up on the trust of the recruiter and their own research. It’s a deal that says if you fulfill your end, we’ll do the same. What’s the deal?

Boomer Takes One

or, How To Help The Home Team If you’re relaxing and someone goes off on hippies and longhairs, help them out. The observant baby boomer needs to speak gently, but carry strong convictions for the group. Seventy nine million are counting on you. Use a few concrete examples like this:

D-Day Boomer

How do you explain D-Day? Or Do You Plug in the beginning of Saving Private Ryan and call it good? Say it was the Greatest Generation just doing what make them great? Every anniversary drives D-Day further away from American youth, including those in their 20’s, 30’s and 40’s. If they’re not boomers, they’re youths. […]

Every D-Day

National WWII Museum, New Orleans How did Tom Hanks become the baby boomer go-to guy for WWII? Was it Saving Private Ryan, or Band of Brothers? Both good guesses if you haven’t seen him in New Orleans. After his acting job introducing the big show there, he is THE go-to guy. You know him as a film actor, but […]