Once you’ve seen a Lumineers concert your baby boomer brain starts working. It might happen with others, too. If so, leave a comment. Are the players in Lumineers channeling their inner Grateful Dead? Phish? Who do they sound like? At some point all bands share a common note, a thread of recognition. Then they played […]
June 1, 2016 by David Gillaspie
Filed Under: Who's Up Tagged With: baby boomer, baby boomer brain, Bob Dylan, boomer brain, Grateful Dead, live music, lumineers, phish, Portland, the band, The Dead
April 30, 2014 by David Gillaspie
And It’s Bigger Than Yours. You’ve seen the results of baby boomer parents who coddled their kids. Millennials get blamed for being self-centered, lazy, unmotivated. They’re tagged with some of the same names boomers were tagged with by their parents. It wasn’t fair then, and it’s not now. Except there is a big difference. The […]
Filed Under: Boomer Up Tagged With: Baby Boomers, boomer generation, boomer parents, boomers, generation gap, millennials, question authority, The Dead, trust anyone over thirty, WWII
Six Hits To A Better Blog
October 25, 2013 by David Gillaspie
Two iron-clad rules of Show Business: The Show must go on and Give The People what they want. Lets agree that any time spent reading a blog is part show business. The writing instructor’s iron-clad rule to Show, Don’t Tell, sounds show business-y enough. Bloggers on the WordPress platform have an advantage in giving The People what […]
Filed Under: BOOMER BLOGGER Tagged With: and baby boomer marriage, Baby Boomer blogger, baby boomers pdx, babyboomerssocial club, blog traffic, bloggers, boomer love, boomer nw, boomperpdx, Google search, google seo, Google+, grateful dead show, great gatsby ptsd, home built bronze smelter, PORTLAND BABY BOOMERS, search engine terms, SEO, Show Business, Six Hits To A Better Blog, Social media, target audience, The Dead, The Great Gatsby, Wordpress platform, гитлер плачет -картинки