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3 Steps For Better Portland Baby Boomer Holidays

When you ask someone, “How was Thanksgiving,” and they say wonderful, what they really mean is, “boring.” But they won’t dare say that. The Boomer who says wonderful comes from a gathering where all ‘social filters’ are cleaned and set to high. Don’t talk any politics, no college loyalty, and most of all, no history […]

Baby Boomer Thanksgiving Restarts

The idea of a restart sounds like doing something new. A closer look shows something different. You restart after you start, then stop, and start again. The start and stop part makes it sound like you quit. Don’t fall for that trap. Restarting doesn’t always follow quitting. No one likes a quitter, but who doesn’t […]

Baby Boomers And Booze: The Test

With Thanksgiving a day away it’s time to change the boomer diet and fitness channel? Here at boomerpdx the answer is, “Why?” If you’re on a roll, keep rolling. Whether you’re losing weight and feeling good, making changes that matter, or just feel like annoying others with important data, don’t stop. One way to make […]