New Boomers And Old Dig In. Welldiggers started in January 2005. Nine years later ring leader and organizer Walt Duddington invited me to speak to a monthly meeting. He gave three open dates. I picked the first one available. Why would a blogger writing for BoomerPDX jump at the chance to address a group of networking […]
June 6, 2014 by David Gillaspie
Filed Under: BOOMER BLOGGER Tagged With: Baby Boomers, boomerpdx, boomers, boomers have a responsibility, career enlightenment, D-Day, fading into history, greatest generation, job searching with social media for dummies, joshua waldman, millennials, PORTLAND BABY BOOMERS, public speaking, sandwich generation, smart phone or tablet, tech communication skills, the buffalo gap, Walt Duddington, Welldiggers networking