High school wrestling in Poway, California is a calling. It’s the same calling kids felt in North Bend, in Newberg, Crater, Roseburg, and Burns, Oregon. Call it tradition, or answering a challenge, just don’t make the mistake of calling it less than what it is. All Poway High School wants is all […]
Do you open the Oregonian’s sports page and find soccer? If it’s not the World Cup, it’s the Timber or Thorns’ players flinging around. Isn’t it still baseball season? We expect to see diving catches in the out field, runners breaking up double plays, the stretch on first, not wild soccer players kneeing the vertebrae […]
As a Baby Boomer blogger and sports fan, it’s important to keep up with local athletes. Sometimes that means going the extra mile. But first a little history. In the world of amateur wrestling, the first two World Champions were Oregonians. And they won their titles the same year at the same tournament. The first […]