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Uno, Dos, Tres

What Are You Doing On Cinco de Mayo? If you don’t have a good answer, head out for Hillsdale, one of Portland’s thriving neighborhoods. From a health fair, to farmers market, to an art show, you’ll be in the right place. Be sure and stop by the Portland Wellness Center table for a face paint, pop […]


WHERE MUSIC THERAPY AND PHYSICAL THERAPY HOOK-UP Spend time with someone afflicted with a movement disease and you’ll get this: Fine motor skills go first. Any baby boomer know this, too. You don’t run faster and jump higher with every birthday. PF Flyer might have made the promise, but you’ve grown out of those shoes.


TODAY’S LESSON: WHY THE BLAZERS MATTER NOW Two words: Damian, and Lillard. If you see Damian and a resurgent Blazers ever scrap their way into a championship run, remember this playoff season as the beginning. By watching and noting the differences between the great western point guards as they play each other over a series, he logs where they break […]


BOOMERPDX SCOUTS THE CITY FOR BABY BOOMERS On a visit to Portland do what you need to do, then take a walk. There’s no charge for discovering the whimsy and wonder people walk through. When you hear, “Come to the light” make it this one.