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Boomer History 101

If Your Boomer Man Seems Confused, Here’s Why: It starts with ‘Old School’ and how do you define it. Yes, it’s the title of a Will Farrell movie, but move along. Old School in 2013 could mean the 1980′s, bumped to the 1990′s for twenty-somethings. It works for shorter attention spans, but not longer. Wiki […]

Putin To Portland Baby Boomers

Boomer Dating Gets A Boost. News of Russian President, Prime Minister, Party Leader, and Head of KGB Vladimir Putin’s divorce shocked the homeland. While his fellow citizens in the ultimate red state reacted to their leader’s decision, Portland boomers have a new role model. Putin is a man of the people, in that he’s as frightening […]

Carol Tice World Domination

Where do most people go after the World Domination Summit? Why not take what you’ve learned from Portland, Oregon and dominate the next world? Portland baby boomers do that all the time. They dominated the blues at the Waterfront Blues Festival. Dominated the Food Bank, too. Where did Carol Tice dominate? The Original.

Use The Portland Blues

Portland baby boomers have more choices for a music festival. Any summer weekend you can go downtown for a free concert at Saturday Market. One weekend a year you can go to the big show by the river. If it’s good enough for Robert Plant, why not you. All that’s left is choosing your company.

NW Renovation For Boomers

Local Website And Magazine Delivers Answers If you’re a Portland baby boomer who pays someone else to do your home repairs, you’re missing some fun. On the other hand, if you’re a boomer who loves doing it yourself, you have a friend. From my home ownership experiences, a new friend is a good thing. My […]

THE Oregon History

A Good Time For A Refresher Course? Museums serve to help us understand. The good ones are a destination onto themselves. The Oregon Historical Society is fast becoming that destination. Again.

Boomer Blues Backlash

Robert Plant Headlines Waterfront Blues Fest What’s the greatest fear of going to a Classic Rock concert? Baby boomers face this one all the time. Is it watching a dream weaver come undone in front of your eyes? That the singer shows up so out of shape they huff and puff through their set? That their […]

Pride Parade NW Boomer Style

You Know You’ve Arrived When: A string of parades hit town recently. The big three were the Starlight, the Rose, and the Pride Parade. Each one has it’s Portland vibe.

A Boomer Walk

Take A Walk On The Wild East Side Of PDX The Eastbank Esplanade is the place to start. To get there, find a distinctive landmark, like a huge pile of broken concrete. You’ll see it looking east from the north bound lanes of the Marquam Bridge. Take the Water Ave. exit and turn right. If […]

Midwest Via East PDX

How To Know If The Food Is The Real Deal Going out to a theme restaurant in Portland? Heading downtown for some delicious ethnic food? The choices are endless. Chinese food isn’t the only thing in Chinatown, but it’s a good bet you’ll find a place you like. Other restaurant tells that let you know where they’re coming from: a […]