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Boomer Beach Means College Football?

Not Oregon Duck Football. Lots of birds at Cannon Beach. Baby boomers love birds. Seagulls, puffins, cormorants, pelicans, crows, swallows, jays, a titmouse. The whole flock flew between Hemlock Street and Haystack Rock. Just no Ducks. Plenty of wind and rain, but no Ducks. What did Cannon Beach sports fan miss? The most engaging football being […]

Baby Boomer And The Oregon Ducks

What defines big time? The wise answer, the baby boomer blogger answer, is ‘The big time is right where you are.’ But that doesn’t always work out. People who hate where they are, either geographically or emotionally, want a better answer. For them, the big time is out there waiting just around the corner, and […]

USA Football Month For Boomers

The time of year for football dreams. From the NFL preseason, college and high school training camps, to peewee football, all eyes focus on the grid iron. At every level players share similar dreams. Offensive linemen dream of springing a running back with a perfect block. Running backs dream of leaving a defender on the ground […]