From day one America grew an attitude of the picked on little brother. Instead of walking the plank of tradition and custom in the old country, early explorers took off for the new to live a motivated life. I hear Monty Python’s French accented, “Weee, doon’t neeeed yoooou.” That’s the enduring American story, […]
Because His Dallas Mavericks Are Out Of The NBA Playoffs, Or…? Professional sports owners are always working with their team. It’s non-stop with no off-season. Some of them need a break. Jerry Jones ought to take some time off from plunging the Dallas Cowboys into another 8-8 season. George Steinbrenner got time off after his […]
Downton Mountain Or Just Another English Oregon
Fans of one of the most watched shows in the world revel in the drama of English manners. Either that or they enjoy seeing landed aristocrats marrying American money to save their house. The English lords don’t call it, ‘taking one for the team,’ but the results are the same. If Monty Python is your sort […]