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Seeing Is Believing If you get sick, you quarantine yourself. Either you don’t want to get others sick, or you don’t want to hear them ask, “How do you feel,” over and over. Eventually you want to get out of the sick house. In Oregon you’re only a few miles away from spectacular scenery. It […]


Do you really expect celebrities to invest wisely?   What’s easier, shooting fish in a barrel or making fun of famous people losing their money? If most of us live lives of quiet desperation, the media turns up the sound for the loud ones. And nothing gets louder than rich-man failure in America. Show business people losing […]

Ben Affleck or George Clooney, A Monumental Man Dilemma

Which Actor / Director / Producer Works Best For The Next Epic WWII Script? Here on the outskirts of civilization the choice of who would do Flying Home justice grows more complicated. Both Affleck and Clooney won Oscars for producing Argo. Both know Hollywood inside out. George seems to like people for who they are, not what they […]

Boomer Batman For Ben Affleck

Point: Ben Affleck as Batman means we get a better take on Bruce Wayne. Instead of the Bale Batman who seemed like a character from a Tarantino movie, the Bale Bruce with the mental anguish, Ben is a Hollywood aristocrat who brings an Indie spirit to the Caped Crusader. A better Bruce means a better […]

Ben Affleck and Matt Damon Cursed

Slate’s culture blog, browbeat, asks of there’s a Good Will Hunting curse on Ben Affleck and Matt Damon? NW Boomer says no, but what about Robin Williams and director Gus Van Sant? Robin and Gus will work it out if there is a curse, but there’s help for Ben and Matt. Writers Sharan Shetty and Holly […]

Ben, It’s Me, Dave

Searching For Ben Affleck Have you heard the story about the blogger and the movie star? The blogger, an aging Baby Boomer, gets a man-crush on Ben Affleck after seeing Argo. He writes a few posts about Ben, how much he loved Argo’s movie inside a movie idea, and how shocking the story unfolded with […]

Museum Boomer, pt 3

How To Tell If You’ve Got Enough Stuff? A sick breath exhaled from the shuttered old Fox Theater on Broadway. You could smell it from the sidewalk. It had a taste. Since any taste in the air is suspicious, it wasn’t good. Portland Museum Boomer came to pick up historical theater stuff, like the brass […]