Lessons From The Front Whether you’re a city boomer or country boomer, big school or small, these rules apply. If you were home schooled, tag along with friends from the local high school. If your Mom wants to go, you make that call.
American Baby Boomer History, pt.1
Little Baby Boomers launched into the world between 1946-1964, the year after WWII ended and LBJ’s first elected Presidential year. Imagine the tension, the residual stress, from a global upheaval that included carpet bombing and comfort women. They did what they had to do to save the world from Nazis and crazed Japanese militants and it […]
THE Oregon History
A Good Time For A Refresher Course? Museums serve to help us understand. The good ones are a destination onto themselves. The Oregon Historical Society is fast becoming that destination. Again.
D-Day Boomer
How do you explain D-Day? Or Do You Plug in the beginning of Saving Private Ryan and call it good? Say it was the Greatest Generation just doing what make them great? Every anniversary drives D-Day further away from American youth, including those in their 20’s, 30’s and 40’s. If they’re not boomers, they’re youths. […]