What is HAES? So glad you asked. Health at Every Size might sound like a New Age phenomena, but it’s not. It started in the baby boomer days of the 1960’s. If you missed it between Save The Trees and Save The Earth, others didn’t. People have always come in all sizes, however shaming is […]
Moving to New York City is one thing, Brooklyn is a whole 'nother story. "Hello, my name is Enis." "Hi Ennis." "It's pronounced like anus." "Hi Enis."
Kindle Edition by David Gillaspie
Book Available
Sports make you believe you always have a chance. From Sandwich Generation failure to impossible odds of victory, there's always that chance if you look hard.
Kindle Edition by David Gillaspie
What is HAES? So glad you asked. Health at Every Size might sound like a New Age phenomena, but it’s not. It started in the baby boomer days of the 1960’s. If you missed it between Save The Trees and Save The Earth, others didn’t. People have always come in all sizes, however shaming is […]