The BBC knows why you live in angry America. And angry Oregon. Research shows an angry America. Is it true? Yes, according to BBC research that includes all the big names in poll sampling. A CNN/ORC poll. Be angry the results are posted on a twenty nine page pdf file for clickability. NBC/Wall Street Journal […]
Check with older people, in this case the 40+ sports fans, and you won’t feel the lunacy of the field storming younger fans. Why? Because they’ve grown up? They don’t have time? They’re burned out? Or is it something else? If you have a favorite team, you’re a fan for life. That’s the deal. Maybe it’s […]
Downton Mountain Or Just Another English Oregon
Fans of one of the most watched shows in the world revel in the drama of English manners. Either that or they enjoy seeing landed aristocrats marrying American money to save their house. The English lords don’t call it, ‘taking one for the team,’ but the results are the same. If Monty Python is your sort […]