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Marine Corps Means Fine Food?

Who has better food advice, an organic gardener, a holistic butcher, or the Marine Corps? The shocking answer is all three since the Marine Corps is all about good nutrition. What? No more SOS (Sh#t On A Shingle), boiled baloney, or powdered eggs? Since when did a Drill Instructor give a damn about food? When […]

President Bill Clinton On Sports And Fitness

A good look at the media-tagged Explainer-in-Chief shows a slim man in good shape. And he should be. Bill Clinton had a big turn around after his heart surgery. He’s never looked better after finding the vegan diet. If he lived in Portland he’d probably consult the Happy Cow Healthy Eating Guide. Does this make him […]

Environmental Working Group and NW Boomer

One is a guide for healthier living and toxin awareness. The other is a lifestyle guide for better Boomer living. They meet where the rubber hits the road, or the food hits the table, or the eye shadow hits the skin. Where one guide is for everyone seeking a less toxic choice in a more […]

American Baby Boomer History, pt.1

  Little Baby Boomers launched into the world between 1946-1964, the year after WWII ended and LBJ’s first elected Presidential year. Imagine the tension, the residual stress, from a global upheaval that included carpet bombing and comfort women. They did what they had to do to save the world from Nazis and crazed Japanese militants and it […]

Why Portland Baby Boomer Dating Needs Anthony Weiner

1. He’s got the public face for Portland’s diverse population. Will an Oregonian ever show up and offer Tony a banana? If that happens, he’s ready. He knows how to handle the beautiful people, and everyone else.

The Baby Boomer Side Of The Internet

What’s the first thing you do when you find a website that amazes? You either send the link to your social network because they’d all love to see it… Or, you try and break the site down to something you understand. You’re not hacking into it, just wrapping your mind around the idea. Here are […]

Baby Boomer And The Oregon Ducks

What defines big time? The wise answer, the baby boomer blogger answer, is ‘The big time is right where you are.’ But that doesn’t always work out. People who hate where they are, either geographically or emotionally, want a better answer. For them, the big time is out there waiting just around the corner, and […]