Buckeye Beach is for winners. After THE Ohio State football team finished their Rosebowl Game they need a little rest. It was a big win for the blue blood Buckeyes and they had to be thirsty. All Oregon beaches get a name change in their honor. It’s an honor with cautions. Anyone facing the Ohio […]
January 2, 2025 by David Gillaspie
Filed Under: What's Up Tagged With: beach, buckeye, buckeye beach, cardale jones, caution, CHIP KELLY, college football, dan lanning, football, Ohio state, Ohio State Buckeyes, Oregon, Oregon Beaches, Oregon Ducks, rest, Rose Bowl, rosebowl game, thirsty, will Howard
December 18, 2022 by David Gillaspie

A self-gatekeeper is the same as a regular gatekeeper. They restrict who can and who can’t pass through a gate. Except as your own gatekeeper, the gate is you. Who gets to experience the joy of you, and who doesn’t? Start with joy. Why joy? Even if you’re not a joy boy, or girl, figure […]
Filed Under: What's Up Tagged With: blogger, boomerpdx, caution, Christmas party, confessional blogger, gatekeeper, joy, night caution, over-share, R. Buckminster Fuller, self-gatekeeper, Social media, story, story boundaries, TMI, writing habit