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Environmental Working Group and NW Boomer

One is a guide for healthier living and toxin awareness. The other is a lifestyle guide for better Boomer living. They meet where the rubber hits the road, or the food hits the table, or the eye shadow hits the skin. Where one guide is for everyone seeking a less toxic choice in a more […]

Boomer Batman For Ben Affleck

Point: Ben Affleck as Batman means we get a better take on Bruce Wayne. Instead of the Bale Batman who seemed like a character from a Tarantino movie, the Bale Bruce with the mental anguish, Ben is a Hollywood aristocrat who brings an Indie spirit to the Caped Crusader. A better Bruce means a better […]

How To Travel Out West

Baby boomers come west for every reason, but there’s one most important when you start. Know which way is west.  NW Boomer says, “It’s thataway.” You’ll know you’re in Oregon by the greenery. Once you drop down from the hills you’ll think you’re in England.

What Is The Elkton AVA

or, Please Pass The Wine. The AVA, or American Viticulture Area, found a new home in Elkton. Regional wine makers have a new hook to hang their brand on. Once you win the badge of approval from the U.S. Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau, more doors open. How long before you hear someone […]

NW Boomer Travel, pt.2

From Empire To Enterprise Do you need proof that Oregon qualifies as a European nation? It’s more than the beer, but that’s a good start, ja? Oregon is one of the few states, maybe only state, that holds such a huge variety of road trips. For example, find a map and run your finger from […]

Middle Child, Middle Boomer, Middle You

  A friend has two family members, one older and one younger, with birthdays so close they have their own little birthday club. The friend cried about it so much every year that he started getting presents on their birthdays to shut him up. He kept secret score as the middle child in the line-up. What else did Middle Child […]

NW Boomer Travel, pt.1

The Oregon Alps If you look back at Portland from LaGrande, the miles pile up. But you’re not done. You can’t drive to the Swiss Alps on Interstate 84, but the Oregon Alps are a tank of gasoline away. Look for highway 82 and read the signs to Joseph.

Joel Stein, Boomer Enough

If you read Time Magazine, you’ve heard of Joel Stein. If not, he’s got the Awesome Column toward the back of each issue. And he fills it up boomer style. What is boomer style? Doing stuff that doesn’t seem to matter at first, but then grows legs and runs. Joel had a runner in a […]

The Hashtag Hook

Every trap has some sort of bait. Fish hit the worm on a hook. Crabs crawl into the crab-pot to munch on fish heads. Forbes magazine prints an article explaining how hashtags attract wealthy customers. We’re all on the same page so far? Hashtag = #, like #boomerpdx. Author Cheryl Conner says people with money are […]

Ben, It’s Me, Dave

Searching For Ben Affleck Have you heard the story about the blogger and the movie star? The blogger, an aging Baby Boomer, gets a man-crush on Ben Affleck after seeing Argo. He writes a few posts about Ben, how much he loved Argo’s movie inside a movie idea, and how shocking the story unfolded with […]