What is or isn’t age appropriate for boomers depends on who makes the call. And when. Because if it’s a matter of TIMING, a judgement on aging is just another opinion. Probably an expert opinion. One response to critiques at an inconvenient time is, “It’s time to shut up.” Since this is a polite blog […]
If we’ve learned one thing in baby boomer life it’s Be Yourself. Mr. Spielberg may have a different take, but he’s still Steven Spielberg. Not to say he’s got a mental health problem like multiple personalities, but who turns into a different person? Every year? Maybe it works best in his world, where personal identity […]
Boomer Life It’s Own Self
CROSS THAT BRIDGE. Be your best when your best is the minimum requirement. Win the day. The whole family won this day. Step-Dad Glenn made it happen. Big thanks to North Bend Mayor Rick Wetherell who remembered Momma Gillaspie through the community and kids. Special nod to oldest Gillaspie Mike for carrying the day, younger […]