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THE Oregon History

A Good Time For A Refresher Course? Museums serve to help us understand. The good ones are a destination onto themselves. The Oregon Historical Society is fast becoming that destination. Again.

Boomer Blues Backlash

Robert Plant Headlines Waterfront Blues Fest What’s the greatest fear of going to a Classic Rock concert? Baby boomers face this one all the time. Is it watching a dream weaver come undone in front of your eyes? That the singer shows up so out of shape they huff and puff through their set? That their […]

Young Boomer Old Boomer

Numbers Don’t Lie? They Might How often do you spring out of bed in the morning ready for the best day of your life? Often? Not often? Never? The good news is the older you get, the better you feel. Or you’re just lying to an interviewer. In England it’s one or the other. Ordinarily […]

Museum Boomer, pt 3

How To Tell If You’ve Got Enough Stuff? A sick breath exhaled from the shuttered old Fox Theater on Broadway. You could smell it from the sidewalk. It had a taste. Since any taste in the air is suspicious, it wasn’t good. Portland Museum Boomer came to pick up historical theater stuff, like the brass […]

Museum Boomers, pt 1

What To Do When You Say Enough To Stuff? Stuff comes to us in different ways. Sometimes we find it, sometimes we buy it. When we get too much stuff we have to make choices. If we have good stuff, we should make good choices. Baby boomers like making good choices. Giving stuff to museums […]

Michael Graves Shower

The Problem Seems To Be Growing Oregon boomers, along with anyone with a tile shower, know this problem. The same goes for anyone in Portland with a house painted white. Stuff grows all over. If you don’t clean it up, it keeps growing. Tile is a special problem. Sure, it looks pretty at first. Then […]

A Boomer Walk

Take A Walk On The Wild East Side Of PDX The Eastbank Esplanade is the place to start. To get there, find a distinctive landmark, like a huge pile of broken concrete. You’ll see it looking east from the north bound lanes of the Marquam Bridge. Take the Water Ave. exit and turn right. If […]

The Boomer Blogger Point

Is It Really About The Money Successful people knows the answer, but they usually say something like, “follow your heart and the money will come.” What they don’t talk about is the time it took to find their heart. You’ve heard this said, “You have to crack a few eggs to make an omelet.” Making […]

Boomer House

First Published On (click on over)   Memo to young families: Pay attention to other parents as the years pass. You’ll see them again. My kids are in their twenties now, but for one pre-school birthday we invited kids and moms from the class. I was too busy on the ‘entertainment’ side and didn’t notice the adults. Working […]

Boomer Writers

Willamette Writers Meet In The Old Church Everyone has a story to tell. The group who meet once a month at Portland’s Old Church have a story to write. From the looks of them, it’s a non-denominational crowd, but the spirit is present. Last night was no different, except the speaker had more than a little preacher […]