Super Bowl Sunday ought to be a national holiday.
So should national voting day, national Election Day, but I’ll start with the more important day.
I’ve seen the shampoo ad with football players talking about doing things 100%. Here’s the link to Head and Shoulders dandruff shampoo, but this is the important part:
“I eat 100% of my green beans. 100% don’t like them, 100% don’t care.”
It’s funny because you know someone like this, I know someone. It’s not our wives or husbands, but it’s still funny.
Just not as funny.
What is the trick to getting our partners to do something they don’t like to do, but still do it?
Let’s say they can do it with low enthusiasm, but no complaining.
First, the boundaries: this is ‘shared activity’ sort of post, an event like a concert, a farmers’ market morning, or family visit.
They can’t complain, but it’s your complaint that sets things in motion: “My partner never spends time doing what I like to do.”
Is this you? Does it sound like something you’ve said? I’ll tell you the problem, if they haven’t already:
You’re not actually sharing, or spending time with someone, or expecting them to spend time with you, if your idea of fun is asking them to wait around until you tell them what to do, and they do it.
That never happens, never will happen, but,
What If It’s Super Bowl Sunday?
The following is for people with partners who don’t like watching sports on TV. Sports like football, college football, NFL football, not soccer.
But you want to share Super Bowl Sunday, you really, really, do.
The first step in asking them to watch the game together is disguising the request. You already know the answer to the straight forward question, so it’s time for some technique.
Start with: “I’ll do anything you want to do for a straight three hours.”
That’s the offer, that’s the request. Once the time is set at three hours, sex is eliminated. No matter what viagra might say, three hours is three hours, not three minutes, or two, or one.
But you can squeeze in a football game.
Don’t Mention Football
You want to keep the idea of togetherness on more of a relationship-building mode, like:
“Let’s spend three hours together where one of us sets the agenda, like we agree, that you and I agree, that the other one does whatever they want, whatever interests them, and asks for help. If it’s your turn, you’ll have three hours doing what you want to do and I’ll help in any way you ask. We could do that.”
That’s the request, along with an example. And since you’ve got a stable enough relationship with your partner, it shouldn’t raise any red flags.
If you do agree, it’s because you’re both nice people.
Red Flag Alert
If your partner attended an SEC football factory like Alabama, or LSU, throw in an Ohio State for good measure, they are full blown football fans whether they admit it or not.
They’re more of a fan the older they get, and work harder to keep a lid on it.
Dialed in from birth, they know the drill from tailgate to game time to rushing the field. If you don’t know this about them, you should.
And you should hold them in high esteem for keeping such an elemental secret.
If that’s the case in your house, more things are in play than you know. The request of doing something together for three hours is still good, but the response will come back with a twist.
“Honey, would you do whatever I say for three hours straight, and help as much as you can when I ask, or don’t ask?”
“Like watch the Super Bowl, drink beer, and cook sausages? Yeah, I’m in.”
No, you didn’t just die and go to football heaven, you’re just married to the right person.
Give it a shot. Results may vary.
For the best outcome, copy the link to this post and paste it in an email to your sweetheart. Include, “What kind of loser needs to trick their partner into watching a football game together. I’m so glad that’s not us.”
A-B-C Of Super Bowl Sunday
You can do it. Leave comments.
The Buccaneers punched their ticket to Raymond James Stadium in Tampa, Fla., by beating the Packers in Sunday’s NFC championship game. They’ll host the AFC champion (and reigning Super Bowl champion) Chiefs on Feb. 7. They begin the two-week countdown to the game as 3.5-point underdogs, per DraftKings Sportsbook.