Living that steppingstone life keeps everyone busy.
First it’s a new address to write over the dried white-out in your address book.
White-out? Address book? Who has those?
Then it’s the actual move, the packing up and picking up part of the steppingstone life.
Don’t forget the fun part, the joy of rewarding experiences and opportunities that new horizons present.
And don’t forget who to blame when the next one doesn’t work out like the last one didn’t.
A stone for stepping on in crossing a stream, etc.
Any means or stage of advancement: His last job was just a steppingstone to here.
Steppingstone Life:
A way to explain the wanderlust of new places and new people.
The first definition comes from a page that won’t link, the second is mine.
It asks: How long does it take new people and places to become old people and old places? Then what?
Here’s the link: If you need to wander, then get your wander on.
Some common synonyms of wander are meander, ramble, roam, rove, and traipse. While all these words mean “to go about from place to place usually without a plan or definite purpose,” wander implies an absence of or an indifference to a fixed course.
The part that stirs people up is being accused of not having a plan or a definite purpose for their decisions and actions.
They leave the plan and purpose stuff for others to outline for them while fueling their indignant anger after being slammed.
Steppingstone Life Wanderer Gets Pissed When Stepped On
What are other names for indifferent people without plans or purpose?
- bat, cruise, drift, float, gad (about), gallivant (also galavant), kick around, knock (about), maunder, meander, mooch, ramble, range, roam, rove, traipse
Words Related to wander:
- amble, saunter, stroll, dawdle, mope, gypsy, hobo, tramp, vagabond, mill (about or around), straggle, stray
This is what happens when Gap Year turns into Gap Decade and the lifestyle has settled in.
It’s the stuff of legend, and rock and rock.
If I ever settle down
You’d be my kind
And it’s a good time for me
To head on down the line
This is the ‘one that got away’ woman, the one who they eventually settle down with can never, ever, ever hope to live up to, but Bill keeps those secrets to himself.
I’m the kind of man who likes to get away
Like to start dreaming about tomorrow, today
Never said that I love you, even though it’s so
Where’s that duffle bag of mine, it’s time to go
This is a man with his life in front of him and enough time to do everything he ever dreamed of doing. Twice. He never leaves town.
I’m gonna find me
A hole in the wall
I’m gonna crawl inside and die
‘Cause my lady, now
A mean ol’ woman, Lord
Never told me goodbye
Can’t you see, ohh, can’t you see
What that woman, Lord, she been doin’ to me
I’ll interpret this for the southern rock illiterate and culturally deprived: Tom got his feelings hurt by a woman he neglects and resents because she doesn’t love him the way he remembers being loved on by Bill’s wife when they were in high school, but Tom keeps his secrets to himself.
The ‘Outline’ Problem Solver
I’ll take a shot here by saying that there’s a segment of the population out there looking for something to identify with.
They tried the Rambling Life, but there was too much downtime listening to other people’s problems, people who wanted them to listen to them talk about the most average things.
So they got married and found out they are a worse husband than their own father who was the worst husband in the world according to their mom.
To fix that they have kids and learn they are an even worse father than they are husband, and they can’t figure out why.
Then their jobs get off-shored to give rich people more profits. Are you feeling it yet?
In swoops a television star in camera ready makeup with all of the answers to all of the questions. The main answer? Your problems are not your fault. Vote for me to fix everything.
It’s love at first sight, you and the wife agree. The kids still hate you, but they always did.
The best part? The TV star spawns a host of similar people, like copycat killers following their murderous inspiration.
State governors jump on the star’s bandwagon and equate freedom with infection, freedom with mass casualties, freedom with any and everything creating a blip in the surveys for their re-election.
No vaccine for freedom. Blip.
No mask for freedom. Blip
No proper history education for freedom in Florida. Blip.
Did Kris Kristofferson get it right?
Freedom’s just another word for nothin’ left to lose
Nothin’ ain’t nothin’ honey, if it ain’t free
What is this freedom that’s so free?