That’s sports talk brand builder Colin Cowherd on the label of a Rogue beer.
Dan Patrick has a beer with his name on it, not his picture, so score for Cowherd.
Colin Cowherd is the ESPN guy who questioned Dan Patrick’s work ethic after the last Super Bow.
Patrick answered by saying Cowherd was flexing his ESPN muscle, then said he ought to try it on his own without the support of the giant sports network.
Now it’s a done deal.
Cowherd left ESPN for Fox Sports and his own brand of talk show.
He did the drive time show on local 1080 The Fan last night with Isaac and Big Suke.
Isaac didn’t sound like a suck up and Cowherd didn’t sound whiny. Yes they did, but it wasn’t embarrassing for either. Call it career enhancement.
The biggest suck up, and you could hear on the radio, was Colin Cowherd cuddling up with the millennial generation.
His new show will be geared toward that demographic which polls show like a skinny, whiny, white man confused about where he’s from.
One day he’s from Seattle, then Portland, Las Vegas, some Florida swamp. And he knows everybody.
He said he knows the drunken USC coach, once the UW coach, and former USC assistant under Pete Carrol. Now he’s the big dog and he showed up slightly wasted on Trojan Day.
Colin knows Sark and says he doesn’t have a drinking problem he knows of, but that he’s been known to join the fellas and tip a few from time to time.
The last time was booze and meds, he says.
If you flopped at a big event would you want your friends talking about it on the air? Let it die, bro.
Colin Cowherd’s show will have animation, an on going joke making fun of him, and plenty of bells and whistles.
Sounds like Dan Patrick who does a show with his staff as co-stars. Cowherd won’t have co-stars. There’s not enough air in the room for more than him.
Now, do millennials want forty or fifty year olds gaming them? Are they smart enough to tell the difference between real engagement and pulling the wool?
Dan Patrick is old school, and old enough, to play the Uncle-card. Cowherd’s card? He’s like the ad man for Trivago, the huckster you don’t want near your hotel room unless there’s a bug problem.
I’ve got a soft spot for Cowherd from the time he spent his show talking about his divorce. It tore him up and he let it out.
Sports talk can do more than sports. Can Cowherd be more than Cowherd?