Serious people don’t all walk around in their academic garb.
You won’t find them all on TV or radio.
Sometimes a serious man or woman is just down the street.
Not my street, but some street in another neighborhood. Why?
I live near a house described by local police as a meth-friendly house on one side, and the former head of the Oregon Republican Party on the other.
You could say I’ve got all my bases covered.
One side has sketchy visitors pulling up and doing dope business in broad daylight; the other side has deniers of everything from Covid to Jan. 6.
Neighbor two years ago during the early pandemic: We just returned from our Mexican vacation.
Q: Were you worried about covid?
Neighbor: Oh, we don’t go to ‘those kind of places.’
Serious people know every place can be ‘those kind of places.’
What would their answer be for an insurrection question?
I’m not asking, but I could be surprised. They might say:
“It was wrong for President Trump, the Lord’s gift to America, to send the people at his rally to the Capitol to fight like hell. I’m ashamed of his Big Lie and now renounce all associations with the Republican Party. But I’d still vote for him.”
To round things out, how would the residents in the drug house answer any question?
Hard core drug addicts work on a different frequency. They don’t worry about covid or the insurrection.
Instead, they worry about getting their next hit of the shit.
Heroin Addicts Are Serious People
“Before I got drafted and sent to Vietnam, all my friends were shooting speed.”
Shooting speed?
“That’s right, needles and everything. When I got back everyone was shooting heroin.”
What’s the difference?
“The first time shooting speed I stayed up for a week. After my first heroin hit I took a nap.”
Then what?
“I woke up and got more heroin.”
Did you have a job?
“You don’t get it, do you? That is the job. Getting heroin isn’t as easy as it sounds. That’s why I became a dealer, to add some legitimacy to the process.”
That sounds serious.
“We are serious people.”
People Addicted To Trump Are Also Serious
The people visiting my local drug house look like those who were filmed inside the Capitol strolling around.
They may be part of saving 500 lives like Trump says.
Could someone ask them to make a sacrifice in these difficult times?
How difficult are these times? A former President with a sniffy nose, and stuff dropping out of it on occasion, talks about drug dealers.
He might be the right man to run for President. In the Philippines.
The Philippine president, Rodrigo Duterte, has publicly ordered the country’s top customs official to shoot and kill drug smugglers, in one of his most overt threats during a deadly four-year campaign that has been the centrepiece of his presidency.
That so many people still cling to Trump is telling. What is missing in their lives that he fills up?
Why do men want to be him and women want to be with him?
Recovered drug addicts all have one story in common: At the end they didn’t take heroin to get high, they shot heroin to avoid getting sick with withdrawal.
That’s living the life, boy. Your best day is not feeling like death warmed over.
Have you ever felt like death warmed over? For me it was from taking chemo and radiation for neck cancer.
I was cooked well done, couldn’t eat, drink, sleep. So I let it go. Take me now.
Except I had people I care about intervene with a tag team pep talk that set me straight.
Not exactly straight since I decided to give medical marijuana a try before shuffling off to a nursing home or hospital bed.
Timely Moment: I started cancer treatment the day after the Trump inauguration. It’s kind of funny now, but ominous back then.
What kind of treatment do Trump addicts need to get straight with themselves?
The women need to stand up with other women and speak against the big court decision on abortion. At the same time, men need to stand by their women.
Women need to condemn the weapon fuck-ups use to spray school kids with, and point a finger at the armed response by law enforcement standing by.
Men, this is for you: Trump is calling for us all to respect policemen and policewomen.
That one is for you, not me because I’ve never lost respect for the police and the work they do.
Needless to say, I’ve never pummeled a cop with a pole the American flag is attached to, never clubbed a cop with a fire extinguisher.
In addition, I’ve never threatened to shoot family members if they report me for joining the Jan. 6 insurrection.
The wheels of justice grind slowly, too slow for some, too fast for others, but they grind on.
Whose turn is it in the grinder?
Attorney General Merrick Garland said an interview that aired on “NBC Nightly News” on Tuesday that “anyone” could be held accountable.
“We will hold accountable anyone who was criminally responsible for attempting to interfere with the transfer, legitimate, lawful transfer of power from one administration to the next,” he told anchor Lester Holt.
More than 850 people across all 50 states have been arrested in connection with the attack on the Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021, as Congress was formally counting the electoral votes that showed Biden had won, according to officials.
Things are to getting more grindingly serious.
I am a writer but, so far, I have only written for me and perhaps my children and their children.
You are an inspiration and I have taken strong note.
Maybe I will be able to do something useful in my old age
Thank you DAVID
Hello Barry. You found me and I’m happy.
About being useful in old age: If more people had drive like you the world woulds be a better place.
I’m plowing my field right here and planting seeds for the future, like the saying, “Hope is planting a tree that will never shade you.”
I hope to see you in here expanding on the posts that you take note of.
Writing for yourself, your children, and their children is a great goal. Even better if they read it.
I’m closing in on 3000 posts here covering the important topics, like being more useful.
YOU are the inspiration on that one.
Here is my WUSA piece:
First it is clear that the GOP knows they cannot win a popular fully Democratic election so they will continue with the none democratic elector arrangement that was devised 250 years ago when communication was through the horse.
Their values are those of the white supremacists of yesteryear.
Second, you cannot change the Supreme Court so there is nothing the Washington Congress can do to change the country’s attitudes with respect to guns, womens rights, health care for all.
The religious people of the USA represent less than 50% of the population yet they control the Congress. What is going on today is a counter reformation similar to what happened in 16th century Europe. The religious right is fighting for survival and, so far, they are winning.
There is no place in this society for humanists like myself.
The West coast of the US is very supportive of Democratic ideals. The states of Washington, Oregon and California should leave the Union and form WUSA. They should invite neighboring states to join them.
Let the central states conduct their religious activities. It is likely that some Eastern states would want to form a EUSA and that leaves the CUSA.
The only downside is related to the threats from outside, potentially from Russia and China. This could be countered by a “Union” of the three new entities for the purpose of managing the international aspects of life. It would be relatively easy to construct this arrangement although no doubt we would no longer have the most powerful military.
The upside is the Supreme Court would no longer exist. They provide no useful function.
There is the left and the right and the twain shall not meet.
My top traffic states are right here on the West Coast between LA, Portland, and Seattle. I’ll be interested in any response.
I remember talking about the idea of WUSA. The interesting part is Western representation. I’m stunned every time I look at a map and think of California and Rhode Island as equals.
Good call on the counter reformation. I see the piousness of public figures as job related, not believe. If they want their vote, they need to apply themselves to the evangelical movement.
My favorite reminder about Jesus is he was not a white man, didn’t speak English, and didn’t mix with the power structure of his time. We know how that worked out.
A humanist’s work is never done. For future readers, this is what makes a humanist:
“Humanists stand for the building of a more humane, just, compassionate, and democratic society using a pragmatic ethics based on human reason, experience, and reliable knowledge-an ethics that judges the consequences of human actions by the well-being of all life on Earth.”