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That moment of satisfaction where you relax, count your blessings, and reflect on what just happened?

It’s a project just finished, a trip out of town, a night with the kids.

You didn’t look for it, but you found some of that satisfaction.

Maybe you didn’t recognize it at first. Or ever have. Now you do.

Nothing changed that you noticed, but you see things in a different glow. And like it.

Then there’s the other side.

Someone else does the same things you do and all they talk about is how hard their life is, how there’s never enough time to do anything, and how tired it makes them.

Their story is on twitter in a long, rambling series you quit after the second full screen scroll.

The same story is on Facebook in a huge block of text from someone with millions of friends and you start feeling like something’s wrong.

With you. Just you.

How can you find joy where others find the grind? What right do you have to feel such feelings?

Here’s a helpful little story:

A farm kid was taking a nap in the barn when his dad had a load of horse shit delivered. The kid crawled out from under the load with a big smile. When asked why he smiled he said, “With this much horse shit there’s got to be a new pony in here.”

Focused Life Gets More … Satisfaction

You’ve heard about the supply chain slow down? The container ships all parked off Long Beach? Not enough chips to make stuff that need chips?

The panic in the ‘Just In Time’ economy, comes from a tactic that saves businesses money on warehouse space and their own deliveries. Instead, they can place their orders with confidence things will all come together. Right. On. Time.

When the necessities for normal life are affected, we tend to pay more attention.

So let’s pay attention:

The big box stores are warehouses with ‘just in time’ restocking.

Home Depot, Lowe’s, any 100K Sq Ft retail business with a supply line to Chinese factories are all paying attention.

This is one headline:

The global supply chain nightmare is about to get worse

That’s an attention getter.

Who doesn’t doubt that it’s a nightmare about to get worse?

When I’m driving in my car
When a man come on the radio
He’s telling me more and more 
About some useless information
Supposed to fire my imagination

This is the same story a month later:

Supply chain disruption: is the worst over?

How do you suppose the farm kid sees it?

One way dips into the stink and rot of international businesses holding the world ransom and driving up the cost of everything.

Very disturbing and unsatisfying news.

The other way sees the same problem and looks for progress.

Progress saddles up and joins the struggle to pull things together.

Progress Shops Local And American Made

Progress helps keep others safe while they shop local and American made.

American patriots who care about their family, their neighbors, and friends, and their country, show who they are by getting vaccinated.

If you joined the Armed Forces you got a battery of shots for who knows what, along with a blood draw donation. I don’t remember it being voluntary or a matter of choice.

Why not join the war on this skeevy killer virus that may or may not deliver a drowning death, which sounds as horrible as it gets. Who wants to be water-boarded to death. That’s what a covid death sounds like to me.

Imagine the sense of satisfaction I’d feel if just one of you got the covid vaccine after reading this?

Join me in making a prediction: One of you will get the covid vaccine after reading this post. (Hint: It might be you.)

Let’s saddle up and ride at dawn, to a vaccine appointment. Or at the time agreed on.

The pony is hoping you will feel that sort of satisfaction.

About David Gillaspie

I am a writer. This is my blog story day by day.


  1. I enjoy your writing skills – hope that you are well

    • Hello John, thanks for coming onto the blog.

      I’ve been a more careful writer after reading an author complain about typos in finished books. They said it happens no matter what, and cited a typo in their book. Then their literary agent responded with an “Oh No.”

      Let me know if you find any here. Lol Also,let me know if I’m whining more than usual, too.

      I am doing well with regular visits to the cardio gym at Meridian Park. I put on layers and break a wrestling room sweat.

      If I was going to have a problem, where better?