The Rose Festival Parade Always Starts With The Right Intentions.
If the sun’s out on parade day, Portland looks better than ever.
Big Pink grows out of yellowed brick if you find the right parking place.
The right parking place for Rose Festival is a big deal.
Park in the wrong place and you get towed.
Park in the safe place and you get ripped.
Park in Old Town. You’ll find a five hour meter if you look long enough.
Let out of town people fill up the surface lots and garages.
The trick to parking in Old Town is getting to walk to the parade instead of waiting for it to come to you.
What if the parade is already snaking its way through town? Just get ahead of it.
On Saturday getting ahead of the parade meant SW10th across from the main library.
Then find a seat, or place to stand.
Rose Festival Bar Fly rules says you must find a bar with a window.
The front booth inside Virginia Cafe was open.
We piled in. Best seat on the entire parade route.
Since it’s a bar, and Bar Fly rules rule, get a beer.
Perfect parade, except where is it?
The Oregon Duck Truck rolled through with a tuba.
Bar Fly pictures of tubas are one of Matt’s favorites. He’s a tuba man. All about that bass.
The University of Oregon showed up, but where’s the Duck?
Bar Fly vision isn’t the best with a narrow window.
And the Duck is flying pretty low, but he’s here.
Did he stop by the Oregon Historical Society to pay homage to the Mariota Heisman?
Let’s hope so.
Every parade needs a dignitary, a Grand Marshall.
You might think Bar Fly parade rules could care less about dignitaries. And you’d be wrong.
Governor Brown and former Governor Roberts fill the bill on dignitaries and as Grand Marshalls.
You know who’s be in the car if they weren’t being investigated by the feds?
These two were sitting prettier than ever with their sun shades.
If you’re going to parade the best college football team west of the Mississippi, why not the best NFL team too?
The Seattle Seahawks showed up in fine color.
Did anyone still ask why they threw that pass at the goal line in the Super Bowl?
Did the mascot say, “It’s all about that action, Boss?”
While the bands march and floats pass, every parade has that moment when someone drifts off.
Maybe their childhood flashes by.
Maybe they remember other parades with parents long past.
This golden haired dreamer and her little red wagon carry that moment.
Call it the Bar Fly Photo Contest Winner of the 2015 Rose Festival Parade.
Thank you, Portland. Thank you, Virginia Cafe.