You’ve seen the ripple effect if you’ve ever tossed a stone into calm water.
The rock goes “PlooP’ and sends little waves across the water’s surface.
Small waves for us are huge to the little creatures on the shoreline.
What happens when we are the small creatures?
The ripple effect works in stories when something small is mentioned early and its importance is amplified later.
Small things leading to bigger lays a ripple.
In business a company like Nike here in Beaverton creates a ripple effect for suppliers to the biggest sports wear company in the world.
New materials, new shipping, new ideas. Is that how Nike stays on top?
Personal Ripple Effect
Good news, like a high tide, raises all boats.
Bad news works the other way and tries to sink ships.
There you are just cruising along checking off the daily boxes of errands and stops.
Then the shit hits the fan.
If we’re close enough we get splattered one way or another.
Not our shit, not our fan, but we still get the hit and then it feels like our shit and our fan.
It’s happened to me more than once, probably you too?
How do you cope? What is the best solution?
When it was my shit and my fan the advice I got was to surrender to the process of getting better.
“Don’t fight it or it will be worse.”
But that was cancer and chemo and radiation all taking a shot at me.
When It’s Not Your Ripple Effect
Look, we all get the ripple effect whether we know it or not.
Climate change is a ripple.
Money is a ripple.
War is a ripple.
The biggest ripple effect of all is health.
Sickness is not fair. No one takes a number for their favorite illness.
When we get shellacked we learn more about ourselves; when it’s someone we love and cherish we just feel crushed.
My best suggestion is patience. Don’t downplay things, ignore things, or ask a load of questions to fight the fear of being next.
Just be patient, be understanding, and let the experts do their best.
You’ll hear everything under the sun from people who ought to know better.
It’s this caused by that; it’s that caused by this.
We want answers that make sense and they’re so hard to find.
The last thing anyone needs is some jackass making shit up in front of a huge audience like Covid showed.
Instead of some goon on the street dispensing his latest load of bullshit to unwitting followers, make an appointment with your doctor.
There’s some fuckwit on TV with answers and a bible? Make an appointment.
You find someone with your last name having some of the same symptoms and they discovered their malady was hormone based?
They made an appointment, got straightened out, and they were symptom free in weeks.
Sounds good to me. How about you?