Relationship practice includes the ongoing question: What is real vs What isn’t.
It’s a struggle for some, but not here.
Why? Because I understand the rules at the most basic level.
No family pics allowed, which is a shame because we range somewhere between good looking and beautiful.
So I take the harder route of original content instead of the easy route of showing off.
The kids say, “Keep us out of it.”
Wife says, “Keep me out of it.”
And I agree with no challenge. No family pics? Fine.
That’s how families work, they agree to overcome hardships together.
It takes practice, but that gets tiring for many trying to make it work.
Practice means paying attention, making compromises, and moving forward.
Yes, we’re talking about practice, relationship practice.
If you’ve had one, none, or too many to body count, call it practice.
What do past relationships say?
What To Expect From Relationship Practice
If you start out with the idea of a practice run, keep it to yourself.
The other person doesn’t want to think they’re a practice run.
For me, the main rule for practice was avoid meeting parents.
Once parents get involved things take a turn.
Then you’re either the future, or you’re the demon seed.
One practice run started out with meeting the parents, at least the mom.
An older woman and a younger woman stopped in the look around where I worked.
As a noble gentleman, I gave them a tour.
My tour was an inspiration.
Later in the week the young woman came back. (Magnetic draw, right?)
We made plans to get together for the weekend, where things took a nice turn.
Since I’d accidentally met the mom, she wanted me to meet her dad. They were divorced.
After rolling out too many excuses, it happened.
She introduced me as her ‘summer fling’ before returning to college for graduate school.
The dad approved. What the hell?
Apparently she’d introduced other seasonal guys to her group.
The Christmas Fling, Springbreak Fling, Dorm Fling.
She was a flinger and that sat just right.
We talked about how people know they were meant for each other.
Me: I know it’s true love when the girl plans on leaving town and wants one more fling to go.
Fling: That’s true love, huh. How’s that work?
Me: That’s when you can talk about timing, how things would be different if they stayed, how you’ll never find anyone like them.
Fling: You said that?
Me: I leaned that way.
Fling: What if they heard you and decided to stay?
Me: It hasn’t happened, but I’d probably have to move.
Fling: I’m going back to school in a few months.
Me: Perfect. Get that education. In the meantime we can get together unless you’re busy.
Fling: Aren’t you busy?
Me: I could get busy.
I’m so happy your gal was a bike girl and that you have peddled around for 4 decades! Maybe I should look for a bike guy.
The best part is she bought the bike new and it’s still new.
What stands out to me in couples is there’s always one with the upper hand, the leader, and it’s often misleading.
It’s hard to tell who’s who until it’s too late, so be the leader and look for someone who has shown they can take care of themselves up to a point.
That point is they’re missing what you would bring.
Somewhere down the line everyone is a burden to others and themselves.
My past has a habit of popping every so often.
I was watching the women’s field hockey teams play and it reminded me of all the field hockey games I’d seen in college watching my girlfriend kill it.
It was a nice echo from the mid-70’s like it was yesterday. She was a biker girl and I rode a bike like hers after we broke up.
Biker guys meet girls who become biker girls; biker girls meet guys who become biker guys.
So what kind of bike are you planning on? Lol