A professional blogger reads the room, knows their audience, and edits like a crazy person.
Being a professional means never getting caught mistaking to, too, or two. The same with they’re, there, and their. Accept and except, its and it’s fill out the card.
Being a pro means taking greater interests in what moves the reader. Those interests can change fast. Then there’s the hobby blogger.
The hobby blogger is a writer, one unchecked by editors or readers. They settle in and let it fly. Their blog isn’t their money maker. Yet.
An example of professional blogger: they would take every item listed here and read what they are, when they were established, and where they are today.
This list came from twitter.

The professional blogger is focused on a particular area, or subject. They might see this list and find their niche from environmental action, to government abuse, to historical material.
After narrowing it down to a specific area of expertise, the pro dives in to draw attention to it all.
Professional Blogger?
BoomerPdx, which is coming up for a name change, focuses on health (38 pages), history (60 pages), and personal experience, lots of personal experience (65 years old.)
Since I haven’t lived in a bubble, I call my experience an American experience, being American and all.
And what’s more American than a cross country road trip, small towns, and friends?
What’s more American than big city living, jets, and marriage?
Finally, what more American than winning all-American status at a national wrestling meet in Iowa?
But enough about me. As a professional, my focus is on you, not me, but you should know me a little.
One pro blogging job was working on a financial blog. I created posts out of data and conversations with the owner who posted under his name. The man was a connected analyst. Working with him meant signing a few NDAs.
Museum cataloguers take an object, compare it to similar material in the permanent collections, do research on its unique characteristics, and break it down to size, use, and how it was made. Those initial worksheets are the blog of history.
Writers Write Somewhere Because They Have To
Go back to the list of canceled programs. I count six dealing with history, whether ancient history, or recent preservation.
Did they get cut because they are bloated agencies sucking the life blood of funding from more worthy projects? When a new manager takes charge with the goals of increasing the budget and hiring more people to show they understand the mission, you might wonder.
With billions diverted from other agencies to fund the Trump Wall, you might continue to wonder. Environmental groups sued to stop it. They didn’t lose, but they didn’t win either. From the L.A. Times:
The case offers a stark example of how the president can defy the Constitution and its separation of powers with an assistance from the high court.
In America we like things super sized, bigger than advertised, and more than needed. But it all depends on who is making the judgement calls.
The Trump presidency has produced more slime bellied bottom feeders as legitimate people than the past five presidents, including Dick Cheney.
This president blows through personnel, regulations, and legalities, tells the story, tells another story, then complains that he is misunderstood.
The impression Trump provides is fodder for writers to pump their pens and start pushing. Start with the historical acts. Listen, when we lose things that are irreplaceable, no amount of bullshit and glad handing will bring it back. That’s how it works.
Tell me if you believe a tool from the stone age, say a mortar and pestle to grind grains, is the same as a modern food processor. That the Fort Rock sandal is the same as a pair of Nikes.
A yes answer is a problem. Is there a problem? The pro looks harder; the hobby blogger moves on as fast as they can. They both say vote for Joe Biden.