Problem solving, at least the first step, is recognizing a problem.
If you’re married to a problem solver and you don’t see any problems, then it might be you.
Aside from that, there are plenty of other problems to solve.
One big step at a time. Where to start?
Some people have a problem with aging and it drives their life.
If it’s not weight loss it’s hair color; if it’s not a forehead wrinkle it’s thin lips.
You can work the weight off and dye that mop top; get a shot in your face for that wrinkle and lip thing.
Did anyone think liposuction?
Or ignore what’s coming and put on a brave front with a bitter back office.
You’ve met these people?
Problem: Too Much Current
When life throws you a sneaker wave and you don’t get swept away, you learn.
You learn to build things for problem solving.
Maybe not this big.