Who ever thought of sexually transmitted cancer?
Any cancer makes you want to crawl in a hole.
Sexually transmitted cancer? Where do you crawl on that one?
I hid in the closet so I wouldn’t have to answer lots of questions about HPV16 throat cancer.
What is there to say?
If character doesn’t count in cancer, what does
You won’t lose your character. Instead, you’ll see parts of who you were ‘before’ treatment in the people around you.
It’s not pretty. Just remind yourself to keep quiet. It’s you, not them.
Like the first time you coasted your bike down the street and turned the corner to the future, the first time you lived on your own, or got married, things change.
Not character. You keep pedaling, paying rent, standing together.
If you plan on delivering a big exit outburst after your last cancer treatment?
An eruption like, “This place makes me sick and I hope I never see any of you people the rest of my life.”
Nothing new. Save it. Here’s why:
#1: It’s a cruel to be kind deal.
#2: You’re finally catching on.”
The cancer closet door swings both ways.
“It’s taboo, too personal, off limits.
I heard about P16 Cancer the hard way: I got it.
How does it get you? It’s taboo, too personal, off limits.
Okay, I’m a blogger not a foundation writer dancing around the topic.
One way of contracting P16 throat cancer is through oral sex with an infected partner.
From the Oral Cancer Foundation: (in italics)
Close to 49,750 Americans will be diagnosed with oral oropharyngeal cancer this year. It will cause over 9,750 deaths, killing roughly 1 person per hour, 24 hours per day. Of those 49,750 newly diagnosed individuals, only slightly more than half will be alive in 5 years. (Approximately 57%) This is a number which has not significantly improved in decades.”
Second opinion on Portland P16 throat cancer
Cancer cells tend to grow fast, and chemo drugs kill fast-growing cells. But because these drugs travel throughout the body, they can affect normal, healthy cells that are fast-growing, too. Damage to healthy cells causes side effects. Side effects are not always as bad as you might expect, but many people worry about this part of cancer treatment.
The normal cells most likely to be damaged by chemo are :
- Blood-forming cells in the bone marrow
- Hair follicles
- Cells in the mouth, digestive tract, and reproductive system
Not as bad as you might expect, they say.
Many people worry about this part of cancer treatment, they say.
And they are right. It’s not as bad as you might expect, and too many people worry about this part of cancer treatment.
It’s all true if you meet one condition: YOU’RE NOT THE ONE WITH CANCER.
Otherwise it’s a real bitch’s brew, which answers the question of the Second Opinion.
Take a comprehensive approach to Portland P16 throat cancer
Treating cancer like Polyface Farms.
The best results save the land and the person.
Machiavelli said the end justifies the means. But only if the end shares a happy ending?
A happy ending in cancer is a cured patient.
I’m not looking for a ‘successful surgery but lost the patient’ deal.
The cancer patient is a host the way the land hosts farmers. Like smart farmers, cancer doctors from chemo-oncologists to radio-oncologists tend the host while treating cancer.
If certain blood levels are too low, you don’t get treatment, and the cancer season extends even further.
Although coming from opposite directions, the goal is the same: Polyface Farms understands the relationship between a variety of animals and the land they’re on; cancer doctors understand the variety of disease and the patient.
The human twist is the wild card for one like weather is the for the other.
Pain and Portland P16 throat cancer
I am a sore throat expert.
It’s a benefit of neck cancer education after I graduated from treatment.
Of all sore throats in the history of sore throats mine was the worst, said everyone with a sore throat rated above an 8.5.
So what about a sore throat the comes from HPV16 throat cancer treatment?
I’d call it breath taking, as in there were times I wish it would take my breath away it hurt so bad.
The problem wasn’t the breathing part, it was the air.
If my sore throat got dry I wouldn’t notice until I swallowed. It turned into a sore throat on fire.
Something happens in there that felt like tissue being pulled apart, like duct tape stuck to itself.
The first swallow after a night of nose breathing sleep was: A. a wake me moment, B. a cold glass of water in the face, or C. a hard slap?
After enough chemo and radiation I started thinking of my neck as a beautiful table where Joe Camel butted out a pack of straights all in the same blackened spot.
Warrior wives save their husbands from Portland P16 throat cancer
What’s the best weapon to use against Portland P16 neck cancer?
A kick-ass wife.
Does it take a case of cancer to know if you’ve got a warrior wife?
I got married at 31. By that time I had idea of what is, and isn’t, kick-ass.
Call it life experience, or getting my ass kicked, but I had a thorough grip on the kick-ass concept.
By then I’d wrestled for a national title and lost, joined the Army and ended up in South Philly during the Rocky-era, and moved cross country and set up house four times.
Like most guys, I figured just marrying me earned my wife’s kick-ass card.
Thirty one years later she played a hand against Portland P16 neck cancer.
She kicked ass in a bruising game.
Portland P16 throat cancer carries a worse stigma than other cancer
Recent posts on my trials with cancer reached forty out fifty states in America.
That’s the reach map for boomerpdx from google analytics.
The shaded states have the most readers. The white states forgot to check in.
Does it make the shaded states better. Yes, it does, but only until they shade in.
I can see the differences in each state, read about it, watch it on the news.
People are different. There’s no doubt. My idea is presenting content on important topics to help narrow the gap between sections in America.
Cancer is my topic. It will be for a while since I’m apparently on the leading edge of an anticipated avalanche of the sort of cancer I got treated for.
Now it turns out there’s a stigma? A graduated stigma list for different cancers?
Like cancer alone isn’t enough.
Cancer technology fights Portland P16 throat cancer
How far has cancer technology come?
The machine in the picture delivers radiation therapy, radio therapy, prescribed by radiation oncologists.
It looks like it belongs on the wing of a jet.
Standing about six feet tall, five feet deep, it hooks into the patient related gear in the treatment room.
I used to show up early for cancer tourism.
The behemoth kicks into gear and shoots a beam of radiation.
At me.
Who invents this stuff?
Peter Fessenden, PhD, professor (teaching) of radiation oncology emeritus, arrived at Stanford as the head of the radiation physics section in 1972, just as the original accelerator was retired to the Smithsonian Institution after 16 years of patient treatment.
PF was the new guy ready for the new challenge.
But he didn’t show up unprepared.
He wasn’t coming in to trash all the other work.