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You’ve heard about the importance of the right words at the right time?


The following is a patient review that every professional dreams of.


One day we should all be so lucky.


Dr. Gillaspie did the impossible.
At least, that’s how it feels. For years, I believed that the moles on my face were unfortunate, immutable Facts of Life. I’d been told by dermatologists that they could remove them, but the scars would be prominent and unavoidable. They said I should just keep the natural moles and not take on disfiguring scars.


I gathered up the last of my hope and through some Internet research, I discovered a device called the Ellman Surgitron. The name’s cool and the device is amazing. Used by a skilled professional, the results are like Photoshop—for reality. Dr. Gillaspie is one of the few doctors in Portland who lists the device on her website.


Dr. Gillaspie erased my moles.


She showed me her portfolio of successful mole removal, which benefited from her specialized method for wound aftercare. She answered my questions with clarity and confidence and said that she believed I would be happy with the results. Impressed, I made an appointment—and her office was so accommodating for my 9-5 schedule!


I went in, got lidocaine shots under each mole (which is by far the most painful part, and it’s not worth a moment’s hesitation), and she expertly “airbrushed” each mole way with the Ellman. I am a notoriously nervous person and her bedside manner was patient and comforting.


When I needed a break between shots, she was happy to let me catch my breath before continuing. The procedure took maybe 25 minutes? Frankly, I don’t even remember. It was quick and I was too busy being curious about how I would look when all was said and done.


The former-moles scabbed immediately after the procedure, but within 5 days, the scabs were gone and I’ve got pink skin underneath. The “scar” is a bit of pinkness that normalizes every day.


I couldn’t be happier. I feel like the people I meet will remember my ideas, not my moles.
About David Gillaspie

I am a writer. This is my blog story day by day.


  1. […] That something is the Ellman Surgitron. […]